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<br />rka;:o,<llllulI i;:o, PluviJe;J "';tll11ulUlal oct:) ;:0,(,;1 vi\,..e; rlUlI1 a ;:o,ub;:o,laliulI ill SU11UI. f",,,,Jr.;1 1I1(J;U;:o, h(JII;:o,{1ud <br />b(J;:o, rlUI11 lll'" ;:o,uI..,;:o,laliulI (JIUllO ruvlll;U auJ l"ka;:o,<llllulI-Sullul RvaJ;:o,. Olll(,;1 Ji;:o,hiLuliulI f"'I,,;JI,,;I <br />IIlaill;:) ",llidl blillo o(l;:) illlu Llle; rlallll;lI!;; /ul,,;a an; IU\"'(lkJ alulI!;; 1-580, Sallta Rild RuaJ auJ Slallle;y <br />Ouule;v(.II..1. Tlu..;;:o,1,,; fl,,;I.,;J(';1 IIlaill;:) "'UIIlI\;d ",;ll. d ;:)y;:)klll uf Ji;:)tliLul;U11 ll1a;lI;:) wllidl (u\,.. lu",akJ <br />lluuuglluullllll.; Jl,,;vdvp\,;J pvdiulI uf lll\,; Plalluillg /\ll,;<1. TIll,; Ji;:)hiI..,uLivlI IlIa;lI;:) \,..vllII(,;d tv ;:)1,,;1 vi",\; <br />pipe;;:) ",llidl the;u \,..ulIlIl,,;d tv illJ;viJual LuilJ;l1~p. 1"0&[ }.Jlvjc;d;:) III.,;\,;JI,,;J i.llpIUV\,;1I1\,;lIb lu LII;;:) <br />11d",Ulk. uf uatUlalga;:)liu",,:) "3;111:; illfvlIlldLiulI plvviJ\;J Ly tllr.; City uf rlc;a;:)ilIlLvll. {'ulmr.; ,:')\';I vi",e; <br />"umi,kllt "itll Ih" G"""Hll fla" i, I'lUviJ"J by I'G&E. <br /> <br />SCHOOLS ANn FnlJCATION 'UJJ. <br /> <br />Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade <br /> <br />Pleasanton is known for the quality of its school system, and the General Plan contains policies and <br />programs to assist in its continued excellence. Prior to the fall of 1988, ,d,uul fd"il;I;", d"J <br />'"IV;''''' ""I" I'lUviJ"J [,y three indcpcndent school districts (Pleasanton Joint School District, <br />Murray School District, and the Amador Valley Joint Union High School District) proviripri s~hool <br />f~dlilips ~ntl sprvi~ps. Beginning in the fall of 1988, the various individual districts ""'" lIlergcd <br />into the Pleasanton Unified School District (Sd1001 niSlricl) to-providinl,'C school services for <br />children ill !;ldJ", kindergarten through crntl~ twelve. The Pk.l"Ulluu Uuif,,,J School District <br />boundaries include the City of Pleasanton and some outlying, sparsely populated areas. <br /> <br />The School ni~trict Opp.mfp." ninp. Pllhlic. p.lpmp.ntary "chool" thrPp. pHhlie: middlp. o;;:(;hoolo;;: :1110 fonr <br />hieh 0;;:e:hoo1" (two of whie:h elo not h~vp. ~ttpnd~nc.p. :lrpa" :10;;: thf~Y :1rp. "pecinlty hieh o;;:c.hoolo;;:) St~p. <br />Ficnrf> VI_'\ for thf> lo{'~tion of ~II p.xis.tine :1nd propo"f"d Pllhlic. o;;:c:hool o;;:itpo;;: Plp:1":1nton al"o hno;;: <br />o;;:p.vp.r:ll privnte o;;:c.hoolloi. th:1t ~rc"mm"d:'lfe :'I1m"o;;:t 100 o;;:e:hnol-:'Ie~ c.hildren Kinrlerenrh~n thrnlleh <br />twPlfth emdps <br /> <br />Since Ihp 1991i r.pnpml Plnn ullif,,,dl;ulI ill 1988, elementary=school enrollment has increased <br />~hollt 76-12percenl (from ~ ,9) sllIri~nl 10 Ii 0~4 sllldf'nN), and-middlc=school enrollment has <br />increaseri nholll 3{l-31Lpcrcent (limn 7 "7 10 ,490 sl"dpnls) ~nri hieh-s~hnol ~nrollm~nl h~s <br />inc.rp:1s.pd :1hollt '\1 pl~rC'('nt (from 1114. tll 4(74). Till,,; ;11"'11,,;(.I,:)\,; ill \,;Enrollment has inc.rf'flo;;:pd <br />U""UIJ"J I'fimarily due.1afrom new residential development. ',','11;1.; "llUlllII,,"1 liulIl uld"l lluU,;II!; <br />lid,:) dUUlg\,;J vv\,;. lilli\,;, V11 aV\;lag\,;, tile; IIUIIIL"'I vf :')luJ\';lIb flUII. ulJ\;1 hvu,:')illg, ;11 1995 ~,:) ,:);l1l;ldl tv <br />th" IIUIII[,"I uf ,tuJ,,"l> ;11 1989. <br /> <br />Thp. School nio;;:tric.t C'ontimlPloi. to plnn for potPl1ti:11 rrowth :1110 tn:'lY C'on~iopr :1ltpm:1.ivp. 1I~P.~ tor <br />p.xio;;:tine :111(1 propoloi.t~d ~chool sites n~ o;;:c.hool rlp.moernphicloi. and needo;;: ch:1nec ('ItITcntly the <br />Sc.hool ni~tric.t own", one o;;:c.hool "ifl" on Vin(>y~rrl AVf'n1le :1110 hnc;;;, fin option tt1r :1nother sitp. on <br />RII",e:h Road ScP. Fiellre VI-~ nhovp. <br /> <br />20 Thnm:l" R Willi:lm" Princ.ip:l! npmngrnp!\f'r Fnrnllmt"nt PrnjPC"tinn ron""It:lnt,, I t"llpr tn SlIpt"rintpntipnt :lnd Ilmmi <br />of FclllC":ltioll.,....EJt":l":lntnn I lnifrpd Se:honl ni"fTict....larlllm:y 14 ?00t) <br /> <br />21 rity of Plp::t<.::lnton 7nnl (7r()\vlh A-fm1flgFIJuml Rppnrl Prpprlrpcl for thp. Plf':l,,:mtnn C'ity round! Novf'mhf'r 100? <br /> <br />VI-18 <br />