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<br />LIBRARY FACILITIES ANn PROr.RAMS <br /> <br />One of the primary factors in the quality of life in Plcasanton is the quality of its public Iibnll'Y <br />facilities. Pleasanton's library contributes to the intellectual, educational, and recreational life of its <br />residents. The library serves the community as a center of information, education, and enrichment <br />for children and adults. A good library requires a collection covering the range and depth of <br />information needed by the community. Planning for quality library services also includes programs <br />for all age levels, convenient hours, and a-sensitivity to physical, language, or cultural barriers. <br /> <br />Completed in 1988, the Pleasanton Library is a City-owned building occupying 30,000 square feet <br />of floor area. The library collection has approximately tzel1ill,OOO catalogued books rn. hook< <br />on tape e-hook. nvn. and other items. It has and continues to expand access to automated <br />information services including the library catalogue, infonnational databases, and other <br />electronically-based information services. Tl,~ lib,,"y i, I"ut vI' tl,~ AI<lIIl~J<l CvulIly LilJl<l'y <br />Sy;:,h;11I wllidlplvviJl,;;:) LIII.; ;:,(,.n: Lvuk;'), Illuh,;.;a.b, dllJ ;')1,,;1 v;\..\,;;:) Lv till,,; \,.Vlllllluuily. <br /> <br />Since laking over the opemtion of lihmry .ervic,', in IlJlJlJ 'fthe City Council has provided <br />extensive financial support for expanded hours, programming, materials, and funding of thc <br />Booklegger Program, a cooperative effort between the County, City, and School District to <br />encourage independent reading in elementary and middle schools. In addition ,h,' I ihmry provides <br />n nlllCf' of "f'rvi('f"~ ;nc.hufinc c.hilrlren'" "tory hOllr" find prncrmns for prf"sc.honl :lIld (,;chnnl-ne:p. <br />r.hildrf"n tpf"n sf>rvif'f"" find vnlllntpf"T prnenlnls. prncmm... for -':f'ninrs. nl1trt"':u~h C;:f"rvic.f"s' to thos.e <br />IInnhlf" to f'omf" to thf" lihrary :uilllt litf"T:U~Y proemmc;: flnd:1 IIniqllf': Cf"I1f"nlncy collection int>llIrline <br />hooks ,lnd rn-rom. <br /> <br />The Ple,,,anlon Puhlic I ihmry Ne"d. A<<e<<ment (Oec"mh"r ?004) n'porl documented the need li)f <br /> 7? ROO sqllnre ft.,.. of sP:Wf" to mf"f"t thf" Inne-tf'nTI lihmry "f"rvic.C' oppds. of tlw <br />PIf':1snnton f'nmmllnity Thf" rily nl~o plnn~ tn provi(lt~ Wi-F'i (hieh-spC"l'ci <br />throllehollt thf' lihmry nnri nlso will m;:)int:'tin ;:) vi;:) tp.nnin:'tls for pl'oplp. not p.qllipppri <br />with Wi-Fi compllte-rs <br /> <br />PAI~KS ANn RF.CRF.ATION <br /> <br />Om; vfPI\;a~alltulI'~ IllcljUI cltthld;UIl~ cl;) a "'UIlIIIIUII;ty i~ lll\,; '-IlI"lily "IIJ Jiv\;I~;ty u[ib ,",ullullunity <br />fucil" . I d' I I k . I f. T' d" b 'Id' . d .. f <br />. It..;;) III\.. U lug ~\.. IUU~, pl.ll ~, 1I.......I\,;"hulI" cl"'l Ih\,;~, ((II '-'I v I.... UI IlIg;:). r\. \';~""lI}JliUII U <br />l,;;^;~l;lIb "'UIIIIIIUllit] [,no..ifit;\;;:) c-IIIJ tll\,;;1 lul...((tiulI~ i~ iuduJ\,;J ill TaLk 11-5 allJ (,iou)\'; 11-3 uf tll\'; <br />LdllJ U;:)I;; [11;;1I11;;1Il. III )\,;",ugll;l~UII vI' till;; iUI}Jud((II"'\; u[ ;:)lldl\,;J \..UIIIIIIUllily ;:)}Ja",\;, tII\; City lid;) <br />dObl\..;:);:)ivdy \';^PdIlJ",d ib iUV\';lItUI] uf \,UIIIIIIUllitY-UVVII",J LuifJ;lIo;:) allJ fa",;};ti\';;:) ;:)ill....\; till;; 1986 <br />G\;II"'lal Piau. TII\; City 11c.L:"t (("'yuiII;;J UVVIII;I;:)llip uf tII\'; AUlddul Th\:dtl;l ((IIJ ",uulplddy 1"'lIuvdkJ <br />it fUI puLl;.... U;:)\';, ",ulI;)hudI;J c.1 full-~I,;;I vi",\; M;..iul \:\:lItl;l allJ ,I Iligll-yuality libl.JlY, '1"''-Iuil\';J a <br />LuilJiuo [IUlIl Alau,\..Ja CUUllt] allJ \...ulllplddy l\...lIuvdkJ tlu; f((",aity witll d 1c.11gl;;l "'UIIIIIIUllity <br />lUUIII, ",u'l~hud\,;J a fid\1 huu,:,\:, .JlIl! I'ldyfidd~ ill till;; l"I\:'.I~."ltUII Sl'ulb RII:\:I\:'dtiun Yd.II\., <br />il\..y,uin;J allJ ",ulllplddy Il;;uvv"kJ .II\,; uld libhuy LuilJillg ill1u a full-;:)"'l vi"'l;; 11I1;;)dluuI hl",;};ly, <br />",ulllpkkJ dll "ggll;;;:);:)ivl,;; vf IIl,;;igllLutlluuJi "'UIIIIIIUlli1y pc-uk. JI,;;VdU}JIII\';1I1, ....ulllpld\,;J 1111,;; <br />(("'\...\,;;);:) tu auJ Upl,;;lI\,;J Augu,:,(ill 1111:111..1 r'lI 1\., \..UII;)1IU",kJ ;)",diulI.:'J uf h"ib ululIg tll.... AlIuyu Dd <br />VallI,;; allJ r\lIuyu JI,;; 1(( L((gulw, ",ulI;:)ltud\;J till,;; O(J\:'I "tiuu,:, S\:,I,..i\:1I; C\:lIt\:l, ((IIJ tluuugll ,( <br /> <br />VI-20 <br />