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<br />Thp rity's r~pitnl Improvpment Proemm indlldc-.;:. proje.ct.;:. dp.siened to m~int~in the eXlstmc <br />.;:.y~tpm nnrl improvf' the perfonnnncf' of individll:ll sllh-cnmpC1lwnt~ With respect to the: <br />constnlc.tion of new sp.wer-mnin linps) this cnnstnwtion will he. fllndt:>d nnn ^II upJclk vf tin,; <br />Culll.::divlI Sy;:')klll Pvla;:')kl Plall ;;:') ;:')dlcJuh;;J fVI 1996.rnn.;:.trllc.tpd hy new developmpl1t n.;:. it n(,cllr~ <br />AllY illlpa\..b Lv ~^i;:')Lillg (U1J CuLm"" fcl""aiL;I,.;~ ",I.idl Jin~1 [IVII. till,.; la;:')L Cull\,;d;vlI Sy;:')h.;1l1 rvlc.t:)kl <br />Plall ",al L\; \;valuokJ clUJ ~1I\..vq.JulakJ ;lItU tin; upJdk. <br /> <br />Treatment Plant <br /> <br />The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) providcs wastcwater treatment services to the <br />City ofPleasantol1l1nner:l nllmhp.r nfwnstewnter trenhnent nnd dispnsnl ('nntmc.t.;;:. hc-tw('C'n thC' hvo <br />net'nC';c,.. Thc DSRSD ni,tr;C't ownpd and oppralt'd wa,t"water treatment plant is located <br />immediatcly southeast of the I-680...!-Stoneridge Drive interchange (8ee-Figure VI-I). It provides <br />both plillldlY dllJ ;:,)\..""UIIJdIY Ln;aLIII\';IILl'rimnry-) sprondnry-, nod snme tprtinry-tre:lted wm~tp.W:lter <br />(which is lItili7pn for irrientinn pllrpnsps) <br /> <br />At the DSRSD wastewater treatment plant, wastewater lirst passes through screens which remove <br />large objects such as rags, sticks, and cans. It thcn passes through a grit chamber where sand, grit, <br />and small stones settle prior to removal. The wastewater then moves to sedimentation tanks whcre <br />most of the rcmaining solids settle to the bottom as raw sludge. Treatment then entnils rpmovine <br />'fhc-sludge ;, '~II,vv~d and settine it aside for furthcr trcatment. This fusLphasc of sewage <br />treatment is tile; GI;:')l ulcnllpcl the "primary treatment" stage. TII~ ge;m..Hll tl\..ahll~IIL PIU""\';;:,);:,) i;:') <br />,1,vwlI i'L(scc-Figure VI-2). <br /> <br />Secondary treatment takes the ellluent from the sedimentation tanks and transfers it to an aeration <br />tank where it is mixed with air and bacteria-infested sludge to further break down the organic <br />matter. After several hours, hnrtpr1n nrtivntps the sludge_ L\;(.UIII\;;:') adivdkJ ",iLII Ladl;;lia <br />nmIwh;d1 can be used again~-in the aeration tank where it is mixed with new sewage and air. A1lcr <br />s"ttline nnd "hlorinntion, th., trC'ntm"nt plnnt clis"hare"s 'fthe resulting water ;, "lIow~d 10 ,~tll" ,,".1 <br />i, LI.,," ddv,ill"kJ p,io, Lv Ji,d''''I;'' into the Livermore-Amador Valley Water Management <br />Agency (LA VWMA) pipeline I This pipdinc-for transports th" wa,t"water to the East Bay <br />Discharge Authority facility This fn"ility ,wl,,,,~ it i, de=chlorinatesd and t.heILdischargescL1he <br />wnst"wnfpr into the outfall system to San Francisco Bay.' The trentn",nt plnnt clo"s SVIII~ vI' LI,i, <br />w"kl ;, not discharged all wat"r into the LAV\VMA pipeline, but ,,,tl."l ,vIJ"" I;I"Y Wdt", dllJ <br />nserlllse~ n portion - nfter it Imdereof'~ nrlditionnl tertinry trpnhnent - for irrigation in <br />non-residentiall(IIIJ~\..a}l"";:,) clIIJ ful Ju~t \'uuhul JUlillg \..UII;:)tlud;UII cldivit;"";:').l:md,,C'npe nff'n<;:; and <br />parks. <br /> <br />The existing DSRSD s"waee treatment facility i, J"';gll~J tv "~~vllllllvJilt,,r"e"nfly eompl.,t"cI nn <br />(:>xpnnsino prnjp.C':t tn hrine the nvprnee clry-\,venthpr wm;.tpwntpr-tlow dpsien rnpnr:ity from <br />11.5 million gallons per day (MBBmgd) of wastewater C'npneity to 17 mee\.' The City of <br /> <br />1 f)lIhlin S::m Rmnon s'prvi('p<;: nit;.trirt W,..hc;:itro' http'/IwWVL..d.srsrl rom/cnm:tnrf"tion --"nmjl";._ f;.{'e:tiCln/l~vwm;:) him I <br />1 In 110'\ <br /> <br />2 I ivr.nnore_Am;:Jcfnr Vallr.y Water M:maeement ^ weh",itp' http'//hwwma c.omIFa('ilitiesLLatl'il~)'.stcnLphp. <br />I In I !O'\ <br /> <br />3 Rrnwn rmn r;:Jldwp.lI nllhlin ~nn Rnmnn S:prvirp~ ni..lrirl JYm,fP1vn/pr Trpolnllmt Plant Alm:.lpr Plnn I:mllary 1 QR4 <br /> <br />VI-3 <br />