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<br />Pleasanton is 1'""I,;lItly ""IT"ntly cntitlcd to 7.1 MGDh~lf of ,hi. ntl101mt or R'i men of the <br />DSRSD', ."w~e" 'r,,~tm"n' planCs capacity. III J<lIlU<lIY 1984, DSRSD l.ullll'l"kd d t.I,;"ltlll,;llt 1'1'1Il1 <br />IIId:>kl piau L1lal pluviJ\,;;:') .::.l'IO\';J \';J\}Jdll;)ivll uf lH;alJll~Jll fu""i!;ti"".::. Lv all ullillldk The ~ity's \".c.lpu\".;ly <br />uf 36 ~IGD, \'\'l.;d. wuulJ I;lIaLh:; LuilJuuL uf tin; l"h,;(Quulull rlalluiuo /"\u;a tlllJ utlll...1 Lll\';(I.:'l will.;u <br />till.; DSRSD ;:)1.,;1 v;\..\,; cll\.:c.l. TIn; DSRSD pluut wuulJ hi;:)! LI,.; \,;hptIllJ\,;J c.l:) lI.ud. ~ pu;:);:);Lk VII it:-, <br />}Jl\';;:)\;IlL ;)ih,;. TII\,;lI. aJJ;t;ullal \..aptu.,;Ly wuuld hI;; vluviJ~J dt till; ulJ CClllI}.l I\uk..::. Ln;aluH.;IIL <br />site;nvp.rnCf> nnmml wrts,tf'wntPT now is. npprnXiOl:1tC'ly (l n men The' curre.nt R ~ me:rl \.vnstp'wntf>r <br />trC':ltmC'nt C":lp:wity is. slItliclC'nt In sP.rvP. PIC'ns.:lntnn's. plnnned hllilrl-nllt ennvth no;:. nntic.ip:1fpn in this. <br />Geneml PI:m <br /> <br />Thp. mnximllm trpntment pl:mt IIltimnte rl~~irn c:1p:1city i~ clITT~ntly pl:1nllp.d fOT )0 7 men r1vpmCP. <br />dry-WP:1thPT now in cnnfonn:mc.t" with tht" f ivpnnOT~-AmrldnT V:1l1p.y W:1tPT M:1n:1eement Aee.ncy <br />loint Pnwl"r~ ^eenc.y 1l)l)7 inntl(~nt limit~ Flow":1t lilt" trpalment pl:mt fire not expl"ctf"d tn rf'ac.h <br />170 med II1lli1 :1rollnd )01) Th~ nllhlin_~fln Rflmon ~prvic.e.~ ni~tric.1 h:1~ nnl hpC1m f'xp:m~ion <br />pl:mninr for the inc.rp.fI~e frnm 170 mecl 10 the. m:1ximllm )07 mrd Thi~ nltllre. exp:1ns.inn will <br />allow Plf"a~antnn rlry_wP:1lher flows. tn rp.:1C':h hut not In p'xcf"pd 1 0 1 med The. ~pwP'r di"triC':t <br />rlps.ienerl the. pxis.tine s.e.W:1Ct" tre.:1tment plrlnt to meet this. exp:1n<::.ion :1t its. (,lIrrent sitf' <br /> <br />Export Systcm <br /> <br />TIn;; "'Ull~lIl ~^}JvIl ;;))';;)klll I;;) VWII~J auJ IlIallilg~J L)' LIhe Livcrmore--Arnador Valley Water <br />Managemcnt Agcncy (LA V"VMA)~ a joint powers agency comprised of th" nllhlin S~n R~mon <br />S"rvi"". nistridDSRSD and the Cities of Livcrmorc and Plcasantol1 - own. ~nd ll1armgl'. th" <br />""ITPn' wa.t"w~'''r "xport .y.'"m. The facilities consist of storagelflow "qll~li7~'ion reservoirs, a <br />large...-pumping station, and a pipelinc to convey the treated wastewater across_IludlluI,;1 SUlluuit <br />mthe nllhlin (lrnde f-'1RO trnve.Np.~ the. wa"tt"wntf'r pipt"line n" it extenrl~ wps.tprly to the San <br />Francisco Bay. b\VWMA-Thp w~.tpw~t"r pip,'lin" facilities conncct with thc East Bay <br />Dischargers Authority's (EIlDA) interceptor and outfall system for dischargingc--of treatcd <br />wastewater to the deep "<Ill-I> uf till,; San Francisco Bay w~t"r.. 1111,; LA VWMA I'il'diul,; II,., <l <br />\....ull..;ul \..u}Jd\..;l)' vf21.0 rvtGD.5 <br /> <br />III 1993, l"kl.l.xJ.lltuu, L;V!,,;IJIIVU.;, l.IlIJ DSRSD !,,;;;)tilJll.Ik:J tll,ll ,I tut'll \:tlptl\:ity uf32.4 rvtGD, JUlill~ <br />dl)' wl..:dllll,,;l, wvulJ LI.; 1I\;",I,,;;;);;)l.Il)' [UI LuaJvul tll~ G~lll.;ldl fldll;;) ill tlll.;;1 II.;;;)p\..divl,,; ~I,,;I vi",1,,; dl\;d.:"t. <br />LA V\V~f/'\ ;~ IlUW \..VIl;:,;J\..I;1I0 LllL\..lIU1t;VI".;~ CUI l.lJJ;tiVIILlI I,,;Apvd. FuIlII!";I, DSRSD i:') Plu\..t,,;t,,;Jillg Lv <br />pll.lll d 2.5 rvlGD aJvl.llI\..J.,;J lil..:aLIIIJ.,;lIt Jt,,;IIIVII;:,ladt;VII plujl..:d tv dllvw I~U;:'I.; uf wd~kwakl ",,;LI.;II till,,; <br />V,lllt,,;y, Lb~I~L)' ill\..l~ll.:"till!:. Ji:')pv;:'l.ll ""lpa\..;ly CUI DSRSD dllJ fl~l.l~'UltvlI. <br /> <br />III 1993, fl~d;:'dlltVII ~;:,Lillldh;J lbat d lvLl.ll \..apa\..ity uf 11.3 ~fGD \-....vuIJ L\.; UI..:I..JI..:J tv u\.."'UIIIIIIUJuk <br />LuaJvul vC LIII,,; Gl".;lIl,,;hal rldll, plu;:, llllvw CVI ;:'Vlllt,,; pvkllLidl fulul\; GI..:II~hll )",ldll dlilll!:.\..;:'. Of tll~ <br />21.0 ~tGD uf lilt,,; \;A;:')tiug L/'\V\Vlv1A [d\..itit;\..;:" fkl.l;:'dlJlulI';:, \..'I(Jll",il)' i;:, 7.5 rvlGD. TIII..:II,,;[VI\;, <br />Pl~d~'llltUIl'~ l~lIu~~tlu L/,,'/\V1vlA dllJ DSRSD llll.:"t LJ.,;I,,;II tv ;1I\..ll,,;d;:'\; "'llPLI",il)' L)' J.8 r...tGD (flullI <br />9:5-MGD lv II.J rvtGD). A;:';:'UllliIlO ;:,u",\..I,,;;:,;:,ful IIl,,;gvlillt;VII willi [ODA, JI..:IIIVII;:,hdlivlI uf tilt,,; <br />aJvlllI"'I..:J;dhll~lIt dllJ l~u;:'~/~A}JvIl plvj\;d b)' DSRSD, ullJluI vtb~1 dlt~llIdl;...\..;:" l"Ir.;'I~'Ultud;;) <br />aJJili"JlJdl "va;:,kWdkl II~I..:J;:, will LI.; 1'IvviJr.;J. <br /> <br />Thf' f'xi~tinr w~stew~tp.r-disc.h:lTEr f:u~ilitips :1rt" dpsienpd tn plllnp nnt nnly thp. h:l"p nry_wpnthe.r <br />flows nf the. thrp.t" mp.mht"r nepnc.ip.'i. hilt :llsn the wet-we:lther or min-dependent flows th:lt p.nter <br /> <br />VI-4 <br />