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<br />l~giVII,tIf"ell'nll Stnt" nnel reeionnl standards, and an export system to transport the treatcd eftluent <br />to nn npprovpel discharge loention Three neeneips hnnell.. the hnsie eomponents (eolleetion <br />tT~ntment, :'Inn rlis.posnl) of S.PWt"T s.t"rvicp within the rity PIp.:1s.:mton prnvicfr-s its. own sewnce <br />,,"lIpetion sprvi"ps within th" rity's limits Thl' nllhlin-Snn Rnmon Sprvieps nistriet (nSRSn) <br />prnvidp.s s,p.wnce trp:ltmpnt nnrlp.T ('nntmct with Ple'mmnton The I iVf'rmnre-Aln:ulnr Vnllpy <br />W::lteT M:mncement Acenc.y -;l joint pnw("rs. :'teeney hpfwe.e.n Plp::ls.nntnn J iVf>rmnre. :md n~RSn- <br />prnvirlps p.xpnrt sprvicp.s for tn>:ltpcl sp.wnce emlu>nl <br /> <br />puiul il,The Recion:'!1 W:ttf>T QII:llity rnntrnl Rnnrn ppmlits Plt':l"i:lntnn 'ivprnlore ::Inri the o;::eWf"r <br />sf"rvic{' arf":l of n~J~sJ) to liSP. the San Francisco Bay:Bay no;:: thl" disehnrcp. point for trp:ltpd <br />wnstl'wntpr A discussion of Pleasanton's wastcwater eollpl'tion trl'ntml'nt nnel eli'posnl facility <br />program is presented below. <br /> <br />FiCIITe VI_I shows the Incntinn of spwnce trp.ntment pIn"." pllmp stntinn..;:, :lnd the. c-xpnrf syste.m <br /> <br />Colleetion System <br /> <br />Th" rity of Pleasanton owns, operates, and maintains a wastewater collection system within its <br />boundaries. Total pipeline length within thc service area exceeds 180 IIlil~~?~O miles and consists <br />of local and trunk sewer pipes ranging in size from ,i... tv lllilly-llll~dollr to forty-two inches in <br />diameter. In addition to numerous sewer mains and collcctors, tl",,,, ,1l~ ,;" fom mnjor trunk sewers <br />l.tuJ ;:'~V\;lInrp. trihll.:ny to the. was'pwatpr frt"almf'nf pin". and thp. 'pn punlp stations in the system. <br /> <br />Plpm;::m'on's. sewer now" ,"cluetf'> ..::('waCt" frnfn thC' rastlewnod nrp.::l hilt no not indlldr' "\(.w:'Cc <br />from th., Rllhy Hill nrpn '[nelpr eonlrnet with th" rity of Pll'nsnnlon the rity of [ ivpnnor" trl'nts <br />Rllhy I-fill waste.\.vn'e.r flnws. <br /> <br />In order to determine npproprintl' collection system SIZing, thp rity is ellITpntly prepnrine -a <br />Wnsll'wnter Collection System Master Plan "'", t'1~t'''J~J pxpectl'el for eompletion in mid ?OOfi <br />This. Plan h:1" pTf-liminnrily icif'ntific-d f..'lc.ility f'npac.itips. :11111 improvements. for hllild_C1I1. conditions. <br />oflhis r.pnprnl Plnnill 1986. . <br /> <br />Ry lIc;:inr. winter wntpr liSP (bIn fnr C'xistine p:lrC'col" :11"1" liSPS. within thE'" rify, the. rify dp'enninpcl <br />t'fhe amount of wastewater generatcd by various land uses in the Planning Area "'", ~,lilll"kJ Ly <br />U;o,illl;; w~h,;W(.tkl nuw\:uf;rfi\:it;lIt~" Till"..;').... \,,u....IT;,,,,i,,,,ub an; ;')Ulllllh.1l;L..I,,;J ;11 'fuLl!.; VI-I. Based on <br />tII\,; I.Jluj\,;....k:J Wl.!;')h;wl.tkl nuw rVI tll\'; 1986prt'>linlinary rps.lI!t(;. nfflll" Wastpwnter rollection ~ystem <br />M::t.;:ter Ph," the rify's sewnr;e r.ollf"r.tion system is ncif"qll:ltf" lor G\;lIl,; Plall LlI;IJVlIt, till.; 1I\;l,;J fVI <br />I.;ALI.;II;:'t;Vl,;f':lIrrf"nt flow.:;: The- m:ljor tnmk linp(,j indllded in the (,ity's p:lli\t W:lstf"wnter colle.r:tion <br />system mastpr plnn :lr(~ in placr. nnd :ln~ si7f.d :lpproprintely to nccommocbte existine flows <br />Howevpr hnsf"rt "pon ('ontimlt"'d df'vplopmpnt in :lC'f':Orth,"C'p with this. (1pnpml Phm the C'ity has <br />ielpntifipel npl'd for somp -improvements to thc existing collection nnel pllmpine systcm-was <br />id""tif,,,d?;l These improvements include construction of new or pnrnllPl sewers, diversion <br />structures, and IlIuJif....."tivll;:'t tumnciificntinns improvP'mf'nts or r.nmpletf' rp('cmstnlC~tinn of various <br />pump stations. These improvements do not include_-in-tract sewers or rpsid.'ntinl or <br />eommpreinl devPlopm,'nls smaller than tcIrllLinches in elinml'tl'r. 1l:lLwhich individnnl project <br />dp.vp.lnpers "viII P:1}'oUI\; o..I.");:'tUIlIIt,;..J tv 1.,\; po..liJ fVI 1.,) Jl,;vdupl".li) ufiIlJiviJuc.ill_HUjl,;\"b. <br /> <br />VI-2 <br />