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<br />I. Fiscal Sustainability at General Plan Buildout <br /> <br />Policies and programs in the current Economic and Fiscal Element help to ensure that the <br />City remains fiscally self-reliant by calling for a diverse revenue base and a balanced <br />budget. They also direct the City to conduct long term financial forecasting and <br />planning, including evaluating financial trends, as is done each time the two-year <br />Operating Budget is prepared. As to a long-term plan for sizing the City government to <br />meet community needs at buildout, when the Draft 1996 General Plan was completed, a <br />fiscal analysis was prepared to determine ifit was a financially sound plan. As part of the <br />fiscal analysis, expected future service needs and the required staffing levels were <br />identified. <br /> <br />Each time the two-year Operating Budget is prepared, a review is done to determine <br />current needs and ensure compliance with the long-term staffing plan. When positions <br />become vacant, they are reviewed to determine their continued need. In addition, the <br />City has used limited term employees in the development services departments to meet <br />the increased demands during growth periods. By contractual arrangement with these <br />employees and the bargaining unit, the positions are reviewed annually and reduced <br />according to demand. At this point, most have been eliminated, and all will go away <br />when tlte demand no longer exists. <br /> <br />According to the long-range plan, staffing is not expected to grow beyond current levels <br />with tlte exception of adding a police beat to service the Bernal Property and southern <br />part of the City, and adding (or contracting) to maintain expanded park areas. Many <br />existing positions in tlte Planning and Public Works Departments, for example, would <br />evolve over time to service the needs of a built-out community rather than a developing <br />one. <br /> <br />Staff believes that no change to the current Economic and Fiscal Element is necessary <br />since the current goals, policies and programs already address sustainability. In addition, <br />a long-range plan already exists, and is reviewed with each biannual budget and when <br />vacancies occur, which sizes staffing to rneet the projected needs at General Plan <br />buildout. <br /> <br />The Economic Vitality Committee recommends the following regardingfiscal <br />sustainability at General Plan buildout: <br /> <br />1. Determine ways in which the business community can help the City to maintain <br />fiscal sustain ability, such as assistance with selected capital projects. <br />2. Develop a systematic City approach for analyzing and responding to the effects <br />that the General Plan economic programs have on the local economy over time. <br /> <br />32 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />