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<br />Prograrn 7.2: Set Sewer and Enterprise Fund rates and charges at a level which <br />will support the total direct and indirect costs of the enterprise, including the <br />provision oflong-term capital replacement. <br /> <br />Goal 5: To guarantee a balanced annual City budget and ensure that the City exists <br />within its means and maintains adequate reserves in anticipation of known and <br />unknown future obligations and insulates the budget as much as possible from the <br />diversion of revenues away. <br /> <br />Policy 12: Limit the use of debt so as not to place a burden on the fiscal resources <br />of the City and its taxpayers. <br /> <br />Program 12.1: Limit long-term borrowing to capital improvements or projects that <br />cannot be financed from current revenues. <br /> <br />Program 12.2: When capital projects are financed, amortize the debt within a <br />period not to exceed the expected useful life of the project. <br /> <br />Program 12.3: Except as otherwise approved by the City Council, limit the debt <br />ratio (debt guaranteed by the General Fund) to not more than ten percent. <br /> <br />Program 12.4: Investigate the use of special assessment, revenue, or other self- <br />supporting bonds to limit the General Fund obligation for debt service payments <br />whenever possible. <br /> <br />Program 12.5: Maintain strong communications with bond rating agencies about <br />the City's financial condition, and follow a policy of full disclosure on financial <br />reports and bond prospectus. <br /> <br />Program 12.6: Strive to maintain or improve the City's bond rating. <br /> <br />Program 12.7: Utilize inter-fund loans when possible to reduce the cost of <br />financing capital improvements. <br /> <br />Issues and Options <br /> <br />The three primary issues pertaining to the fiscal and economic well being of Pleasant on <br />were raised by the Economic Vitality Committee. No further issues were identified <br />during the recent Community Meetings. The three issues raised by the Committee <br />pertain to: fiscal sustainability at General Plan buildout, the City debt limit, and the City <br />retirement plan. Each is presented below and provided with background discussion. <br /> <br />31 <br />