Laserfiche WebLink
<br />Exhibit H I STATEMENT OF WORK <br /> <br />New World Deliverables: <br />New World will provide the following deliverables: <br /> <br />a) Document deficiencies and/or necessary changes <br />b) Draw required polygon layers if they were not provided by the Customer (OR!, Beat, Quadranl, <br />EMSORI, District - based on the number of agency types that are dispatched for). <br /> <br />Customer ResDonsibilities: <br />Customer will: <br /> <br />a) Provide centerline street layer to New World. <br />b) Provide boundary data or polygon map layers for required polygon layers (OR!, Beat, FireOR!, <br />Quadrant, EMSOR!, District - based on the number of agency types that are dispatched for). <br />c) Provide GIS assistance to make corrections to map data. <br />d) Assisl New World in creating polygon map layers if they do not current exist. <br />e) Install final map on server. <br /> <br />Customer Deliverables: <br />Customer will provide lhe following deliverables: <br /> <br />a) Provide centerline street layer to New World. <br />b) Provide required polygon layers OR Provide hard copy detailed maps depicting required layers. <br />(OR!, Beat, FireOR!, Quadrant, EMSOR!, District - based on the number of agency types that are <br />dispatched for). Hard copy maps must have clear boundaries drawn, legible streets and must show <br />all boundaries. Typically one map per polygon layer should be provided. <br />c) Draw required polygon layers (OR!, Beat, FireOR!, Quadrant, EMSOR!, District - based on the <br />number of agency types that are dispatched for). <br /> <br />3.5 Master File Confi!!uration <br /> <br />Obiective: <br />To train Customer Master File Build Team on general system and administrative MSP application functions. Train <br />on file, table and validations sets creation. Create master tables for each application. <br /> <br />New World ResDoDsibilities: <br />New World will: <br /> <br />a) Train Build Team on general system and administrative MSP application functions for each <br />application: CAD, RMS, Mobile and Field Reporting. <br />b) Provide guidance to Customer in the process of building tables, files and validations sets for each <br />MSP application. <br />c) Follow up training session to complete, test and evaluate table, file and validalion sets. <br />d) Determine potential problems with table, file and validation sets set up that need correction prior to <br />going live with MSP applications. <br />e) Evaluation of table, file and validation sets set up. <br />t) Provide assistance and recommendations on correcting potential problems with Master File set up. <br />g) Set expectation of time 10 complete this task. <br /> <br />Agreement 041006 final.doc <br /> <br />CONFIDENTIAL <br />Page 39 of 57 <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton, CA <br />