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RES 96139
City of Pleasanton
RES 96139
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9/8/2011 3:04:43 PM
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2/24/1999 7:56:20 PM
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In the month of January of each year, starting in 1998, prior to January 31, each employee in <br />order of Battalion/Department seniority shall be granted an opportunity to choose vacation time. <br />The January selections shall be for the period from February 1 to January 31 of the following <br />year. Each employee in tutu (based on Battalion/Department seniority) will have an initial choice <br />of vacation. Vacation selections can be for as many shifts /hours as the employee desires, up to <br />his /her total accrued amount at the time of his /her requested vacation as long as the shifts /hours <br />are taken concurrently. Once the most senior employee has chosen his /her initial vacation, it <br />becomes the next least senior employee's choice. This process shall continue until all employees <br />have had their initial selection of vacation. After the initial selections have been made by all <br />employees, the second choice vacation selections can begin. Second choice vacation selections <br />will be done in the same manor as the first choice selections. After the second choice vacation <br />selections are completed, the third choice selections can begin and so on until no one wishes to <br />choose any more vacation time. <br />13.5 Vacation Pay at Termination <br />Any employee with one (1) or more years service with the Department shall be paid for all <br />accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of termination. Such compensation for <br />earned vacation shall be paid to the employee in one lump sum in a final check. <br />Section 14 Sick leave <br />The parties will meet and confer and come to a conclusion prior to July 1, 1997, regarding sick <br />leave and incorporate such understanding into the Memorandum of Understanding. The parties <br />will be governed by the terms of the October 31, 1996 letter until the conclusion of the meet and <br />confer process. <br />Section 15 leaves <br />15.1 Leave of Absence <br />The City Managers' may grant a full -time regular employee leave of absence without pay for a <br />period not to exceed three (3) months. After three (3) months, the leave of absence may be <br />extended if so authorized by the Department. No such leave shall be granted except in writing <br />stating the reasons for the requested leave. Upon expiration of the leave the employee shall be <br />reinstated in the position held at the time the leave was granted. Failure on the part of an <br />employee on leave to report to work promptly at its expiration or within a reasonable time after <br />notice to return to duty, shall be cause for discipline. The Fire Chief may grant a full -time regular <br />employee a leave of absence without pay for one (1) calendar week. During unpaid leave, an <br />employee shall not accrue vacation or sick leave benefits, nor shall said time be considered service <br />time. Holiday in lieu payments for which an employee would otherwise be eligible shall be <br />adjusted on a pro -rata basis to reflect an employee's leave time. <br />12 <br />
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