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Except as provided below in Section 13.4 and those employees working a forty (40) hour <br />workweek, vacations must be used in increments of either twenty -four (24) or twelve (12) hours. <br />When used in twelve hour increments, vacations must be taken from either 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 <br />p.m., or 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. The Fire Chief may, however, approve vacation requests in less <br />than twelve (12) hour increments to accommodate employee enrollment in college or university <br />courses. The courses or classes attended must, however, be appropriate to employee <br />development. The decision of the Fire Chief shall be final. <br />13.3 Vacation Accumulation <br />Any eligible employee may defer up to a maximum of one and one -half (1 -1/2) times his /her <br />annual vacation entitlement to the year succeeding his /her anniversary date. <br />13 4 Vacation Scheduling <br />Vacation selection will be subject to the procedure stated in Fire Department G.O.# 202.01, <br />except for those areas specifically stated differently in this article. <br />For the annual scheduling done in January of each year, Three (3) members per battalion (or a total <br />of six (6) persons department wide) of any rank shall be allowed off at any given time (see Section <br />6.3 of this MOU for definition of Battalion). Vacation requests beyond a sixth (6th) person <br />requires the requesting person to provide the name of his /her replacement (See Fire Department <br />G.O.# 200.01, Overtime, III, M; - Finding your own Replacement). <br />Staffing coverage for all vacation selections made during the January selection process shall be <br />handled by the Department through means of a vacation coverage overtime list. <br />Authorized emergency vacation may be allowed due to special circumstances and temporary <br />assignments will be made to accommodate. <br />Personnel may take vacation on Thanksgiving and Christmas if they provide the name of the <br />coverage person. <br />Vacation may be taken for less than a full shift but not less than twelve (12) hours unless the <br />employee provides the name of the coverage person. For the purposes of this section, twelve (12) <br />hour increments will be either 0800 hours to 2000 hours or 2000 hours to 0800 hours. <br />If two (2) or more employees have the same employment date, seniority will be determined by <br />placement on the employment list. If two (2) or more employees have the same employment date <br />and are from different hiring agencies, seniority is determined by drawing from a hat. <br />11 <br />