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F. BIOLOGY <br /> <br />Impact FI: Disturbance of wetlands and waters of the United State exceeding one-third acre of <br />wetlands and 200 linear feet of channels. (Project) <br /> <br />Mitigation : <br />Measure F l: Provide such additional mitigation of wetland impacts as may be required by the <br />Army Corp of engineers upon their review of the City' s and Spotorno's application for a permit <br />to fill wetlands. Furthermore, because the Specific Plan and EIR were developed concurrently, <br />the Specific Plan project already incorporates provisions which minimize adverse biological <br />impacts, including those project characteristics set forth in Chapter 3, Section J. 1. of the EIR. <br /> <br />Findings: The golf course and Spotomo development aspects of the project will disturb wetlands <br />and waterways. However, mitigation to a less-than-significant impact can be achieved through <br />the regulatory authority of the Army Corp of Engineers in conjunction with the City' s <br />application for a permit to fill wetlands. <br /> <br />Rationale for <br />Finding: The development of a golf come (including a club house and driving range) and the <br />Spotorno property housing units, will require the re-contouring of the land. These efforts will <br />include a realignment of Happy Valley Creek, the filling of some channels, and the loss of <br />associated wetlands. (See Figure 32, of Appendix C of the EIR.) The project requires these <br />impacts be addressed through regulatory approval and oversight by the Department of Fish and <br />Game, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, and/or the Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, <br />as part of this development, the Specific Plan requires the reconstruction of the drainage system <br />incorporating design features that would reduce erosion conditions along drainage ways; result in <br />variation in the speed and depth of seasonal flow in those drainage ways; and vegetate adjacent <br />side slopes for reduction in erosion, and possible improvement in habitat value; as well as those <br />project characteristics set forth in Chapter 3, Section J. 1. of the EIR. <br /> <br /> <br />