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G. PUBLIC SERVICES: FIRE PROTECTION <br /> <br />Impact GI: In combination with other planned, proposed and approved development, including <br />buildout of development anticipated by the Pleasanton General Plan, development according to <br />the Happy Valley Specific Plan would contribute to demands for fire protection that would <br />eventually expose additional portions of the fire servicearea to risk in the form of response times <br />exceeding five minutes. (Cumulative) <br /> <br />Mitigation <br />Measure GI: No mitigation measures for cumulative impacts. [Note: On a project level, because <br />the Specific Plan and EIR were developed concurrently, the Specific Plan project already ~: <br />incorporates provisions in the project which minimize adverse potential environmental impacts <br />due to fire protection and wildfire risk, including those project characteristics set forth in Chapter <br />3, Section O. 1. of the EIR.] <br /> <br />Findings: The goal of a 5 minute response to an emergency call by the Livermore/Pleasanton <br />Fire Department may be impacted as the Department has an enlarged service area. Only the "no <br />project" alternative (Option 1 ) would modify this cumulative impact to a less-than-significant <br />level; but economic, social, and other considerations make that alternative infeasible. <br /> <br />Rationale for <br />Finding: Fire Service in the City of Pleasanton is provided by the Livermore/Pleasanton Fire <br />Department, which also participates in regional mutual aid. Unincorporated areas of the County <br />are served by the County of Alameda fire service, the Livermore/Pleasanton Fire Department, as <br />well as the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Currently, average response <br />time for emergency calls by the Livermore/Pleasanton Fire Department is within its 5 minute <br />goal. Expansion of territory for response to calls will impact the 5 minute response time goal. <br />No new fire stations are planned for the Specific Plan project area. See "Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations" for the specific benefits of the project. <br /> <br />LMSg:\larissas\ord&resXhv_exa.sam <br /> <br /> <br />