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Impact C2:: Salt Loading. Irrigation of the proposed golf course and landscaped areas of the <br />residential development will result in impacts to the salt balance of the localized groundwater <br />basin below the golf course. (Project) <br /> <br />Such irrigation may also result in impacts to the salt balance of the Alameda County Water <br />District groundwater basin. (Cumulative) : <br /> <br />Mitigation <br />Measure C2: With regard to the project impact, it is recommended that the proposed golf ~? <br />course and landscaping areas of the residential development be irrigated with either imported <br />water containing low levels of TDS, or groundwater from the local basin; as well as reduce water. <br />demand by using drought-tolerant planting materials and low water-need turf species for the golf <br />course. The proposed project would provide a beneficial impact by bringing potable water to the. <br />area to replace the use of groundwater. <br /> <br />For the possible cumulative impact, it is recommended that Zone 7 continue its studies and <br />implementation its Salt Management Plan (currently under development). The City of <br />Pleasanton will continue to participate in this regional effort. <br /> <br />Findings: For the project level impact, there is a potentially significant cumulative impact of <br />salt loading (increased total dissolved solids (TDS)) in the groundwater in the localized <br />groundwater basin below the golf course which may result from the importation of potable water <br />for the irrigation of the proposed golf course and landscaping of the residential development. <br /> <br />Regarding the possible cumulative impact, there is a possibility that irrigation water will leave <br />the basin in surface flow, or reach the Alameda County Water District groundwater table. <br /> <br />Rationale for <br />Finding: The groundwater at the proposed Happy Valley site is estimated to have TDS levels of <br />approximately 600mg/l. Water which will be imported for the proposed golf course project and <br />landscaping for the residential development is estimated to have TDS levels of 70 mg/l. While <br />the TDS level of the imported water is significantly less that the existing groundwater, salts <br />would nevertheless be imported into the local groundwater basin below the golf course. Also <br />under consideration is the use of local groundwater to irrigate the proposed golf course. Salts <br />from irrigation could leave the basin in surface water flow and possibly impact the Alameda <br />County Water District groundwater table. See "Statement of Overriding Considerations" for the <br />special benefits of the project. <br /> <br /> <br />