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E. GEOLOGY AND SOILS <br /> <br />Impact El: Seismic Safety. Exposure of area residents and Golf Course clubhouse visitors to <br />seismic hazards that could cause structure damage to improvements and injury or loss of life to <br />people. (Project) <br /> <br />Mitigation <br />Measure El: Because the Specific Plan and EIR were developed concurrently, the Specific Plan <br />project already incorporates provisions which minimize adverse potential environmental impacts <br />due to seismic events, including those project characteristics set forth in Chapter 3, Section H. 1. <br />of the EIR. However, this impact cannot be fully mitigated if development of new housing and <br />other structures (e.g. the Golf Course clubhouse) permitted by the Specific Plan project occurs. <br /> <br />Findings: Potential environmental impacts due to seismic activity cannot be reduced to a <br />less-than-significant level, even with the provisions incorporated into the project. Only the "no <br />project" alternative (Option 1) would reduce this project impact to a less-than-significant level; <br />but economic, social, and other considerations make that alternative infeasible. <br /> <br />Rationale for <br />Finding: The Specific Plan project is located in a seismically active region with large-scale folds <br />and faults related to geologic structures that carry a potential for seismic activity. Any <br />development in the area must conform to the requirements of the General Plan, Public Safety <br />Policy 2, and the Specific Plan characteristics set forth in Chapter 3, Section H. 1. of the EIR, as <br />well as the Uniform Building Code and other applicable state and local seismic safety <br />regulations. These requirements are intended to mitigate potential risk to development and <br />persons from seismic events to the maximum extent feasible given current knowledge and <br />technology. See "Statement of Overriding Considerations" for the specific benefits of the <br />project. <br /> <br /> <br />