1 1993, and a subsequent Agreement dated June 20, 1985, and further amended February
<br />2 18, 1993, which agreements are collectively referred to as "existing agreements"; and
<br />3 WHEREAS, the LAVWMA member agencies amended their Joint Powers
<br />4 Agreement on September 10, 1997, to provide for an export pumping and pjpeline
<br />5 expansion project which will increase tRe total design capacity of the LAVWM/~ pipeline
<br />6 system to 41.2 Peak Wet Weather Flow ~ ("Export Expansion Project"); and
<br />7 WHEREAS, LAVWMA's Peak Wet Weather Flow ~~ shall be defined as the
<br />8 instantaneous rate of flow in MGDi~:~~~~~?i!~~.i~
<br />9 i~~~~!~~~tt~[~ffi~~ measured at LAVWMA's
<br />10 monitoring station located approximately one mile north of EBDA's Oro Loma Pump
<br />I1 Station; and
<br />
<br />12 WHERF-',S, 55_r3A rcprccc~tc '~"'* it. h-"-s ....."" * ........""*" "' ........
<br />
<br /> .... ~,,,,, ,?,p, ,:,.~ -'.,, .....~4~,,^ ~,,,-: ....~"~""+ ~"
<br />13 incrc-"-cc in CffiL:Cnt frc..m t.hc L^.VV':MA ..., .............. r ............ ~
<br />
<br />14 tcrm: :rid ""-'~" ....~ *~';" AGrccmcnt; "-'~
<br />
<br />15 tAIM~'Dr"'A e CDI'~A lp. ,,,;11;,.,,, +,,, ,.,,-,,.,,-,mm,,.,..P.l,,'e.,., ,.,,q.,,.4 ,q.,-,,q.,,:,4,.,. ,.,.,,,.,t:,.,,.,e. 4:,.,v. ,,,.,
<br />
<br />19
<br />~ ~] WHEREAS, LAVWMA represents that it has the authority to enter into this
<br />
<br />!1 Agreement, and shall not take any action in modifying its joint powers agreement or any
<br />~2 other action that would attempt to diminish or alter its obligations set forth in this
<br />
<br /> Fr. BDAJLAVWMA 19..~.. Agreement. 2 r-eUruan/18. 1998
<br />
<br />
<br />