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'1 ll.Z3 "Sole-use facility" means a facility used by a single Member Agency. <br /> <br />'2 11.3 "Influent~ means the amount of wastewater flowing into all existing and <br />3 future facilities providing wastewater treatment for the LAVWMA Service <br />4 Area, exclusive of recirculated flows associated with a treatment plant. <br /> <br /> 5 11.4 "LAVWMA Service Area" means the area in which Livermore, Pleasanton <br /> 6 and DSRSD provide wastewater treatment service as specified in Paragraph <br /> 7 14. <br /> <br />8 11.5 "Project" means the export pumping and pipeline expansion project for <br />9 wastewater disposal that increases the total design capacity of the LAVWMA <br />10 system to 41.2 mgd as described in more detail in paragraphs 15 and 16. <br /> <br />11 11.6 "Peak Wet Weather How" or "PWWF" shall mean the maximum <br />12 instantaneous rate of flow. <br /> <br />13 Paragraph 12. Facilities Existing at the Time of Execution of This Agreement. As of <br />14 the date of this Agreement, LAVWMA owns and operates storage, pumping and <br />15 pipeline facilities for the disposal of wastewater effluent. The wastewater treatment <br />16 plants are owned by the City of Livermore and DSRSD. Effluent is conveyed <br />17 through LAVWMA's 16 mile export pipeline (approximately 4 miles of force main <br />18 and 12 miles of gravity interceptor) from LAVWMA's export pump station located <br />19 in Pleasanton to the East Bay Dischargers Authority (EBDA) pipeline in San Leandro <br />20 where it is ultimately discharged into San Francisco Bay. The export pipeline, <br />21 pumping station, storage and other associated facilities are joint-use facilities, and <br />22 have a capacity of 21-mgd PWWF with storage capacity of 18 million gallons. They <br />23 are allocated as Livermore, 41.56 percent; Pleasanton 35.73 percent; and DSRSD, 22.71 <br />24 percent. The effluent pump station at the DSRSD treatment plant and the force <br />25 main which carries effluent .36 miles to the joint use facilities are dual-use facilities <br />26 which are shared by Pleasanton at 61.14 percent and DSRSD at 38.86 percent. There <br />27 is also a sole use facility which is an interceptor of approximately 6.37 miles carrying <br />28 effluent from the Livermore treatment plant to the joint use facilities and is <br />29 allocated to Livermore, 100 percent. <br /> <br /> LAVWMA/JPA/Board6/Clean -6- July 7, 1997 <br /> <br /> <br />