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'1 P4~ragraph 10. Officers and Employees. <br /> <br />'2 10.1 Employees of Member Agencies. Any contractor, consultant, officer, <br />3 employee or agent of LAVWMA may also be a contractor, consultant, officer, <br />4 employee or agent of any of the Member Agencies. The appointment by <br />5' LAVWMA of such a person shall evidence that the two positions are <br />6 compatible. All of the privileges and immunities from liability and all <br />7 pension, disability, worker's compensation and other benefits which apply to <br />8 the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any of the Member Agencies <br />9 when performing their respective functions shall apply to them to the same <br />10 degree and extent while engaged in the performance of any of the functions <br />11 and other duties under this Agreement. If any officer, agent or employee of a <br />12 Member Agency performs services for LAVWMA, the manner of <br />13 reimbursing the Member Agency for the services of said officer, agent or <br />14 employee shall be determined by contract between LAVWMA and the <br />15 Member Agency. <br /> <br />16 10.2 LAVWMA employees. None of the officers, agents, or employees appointed <br />17 by LAVWMA shall be deemed, by reason of their employment by LAVWMA <br />18 to be employed by any of the Member Agencies or, by reason of their <br />19 employment by LAVWMA, to be subject to any of the requirements of such <br />20 Member Agencies or to be acting as agents of the Member Agencies. <br /> <br />21 10.3 Insurance. LAVWMA shall provide sufficient insurance to its employees to <br />22 protect LAVWMA and its employees from liability resulting from activities, <br />23 advice and similar conduct associated with the employees' performance of <br />24 duties on LAVWMA's behalf. LAVWMA may also provide such insurance <br />25 to consultants who render services directly to the LAVWMA Board. <br /> <br />26 10.4 Treasurer and Auditor. The LAVWMA Board shall designate a treasurer and <br />27 an auditor. LAVWMA shall cause an independent audit to be made annually <br />28 by a certified public accountant. <br /> <br />29 Paragraph 11. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the meaning of <br />30 terms used in this Agreement shall be as follows: <br /> <br />31 11.1 "Average Dry Weather Flow" or "ADWF' shall mean the average daily <br />32 influent flow over the three consecutive months of lowest flows in any <br />33 calendar year. <br /> <br />34 11.2 "Facility" or "facilities" means any building, works, or improvement for the <br />35 collection, conveyance, and treatment of wastewater in the LAVWMA <br />36 Service Area, constructed, owned, operated or maintained by LAVWMA or <br />37 by another entity. <br /> <br />38 11.2.1 "Dual-use facility" is a facility used by two Member Agencies. <br /> <br />39 11.2.2 "Joint-use facility" is a facility used by all three Member Agencies. <br /> <br /> LAVWMA/JPA/Board6/Clean -5- July 7, 1997 <br /> <br /> <br />