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PC 022305
City of Pleasanton
PC 022305
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PC 022305
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because its use was strictly as a bar. 7"he Department had noticed a significant increase in <br />the amount of criminal activity at that location, mostly involving drinking, although there <br />was a shooting at that location. The Police Department had held meetings with the <br />owners and management within the last month, and steps have been taken to reduce the <br />problem. He noted that the Union Jack Pub was arestaurant/bar and that the police <br />activity numbers were not comparable to a bar. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox whether the criminal activities would be <br />transferable elsewhere in the City if this use permit were to be revoked, Lt_ Davis noted <br />that when one bar closed, others in the City were often impacted- He noted that problems <br />at the Sunshine Bar were greatly reduced when it implemented an earlier closing time; he <br />anticipated that an earlier closing time would improve conditions at the Union Jack Pub <br />significantly. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox whether the late-night crowd from the <br />Union Jack Pub would move over to the Crown Pub, Lt. Davis replied it would be <br />difficult to forecast such as situation. He noted that the Danville Police had very few <br />problems with the Danville Crown Pub. <br />Chairperson Maas believed the two establishments had two different types of crowds. <br />in response to an inquiry by Commissioner Blar~k whether the correspondence sent to the <br />owners and property managers were sent by regular or certified mail, Ms. Decker <br />confirmed that they were sent by certified mail. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED_ <br />Dan Straface, Union Jack Pub property manager, 23 Birchwood Place, Danville, noted <br />that the Union Jack Pub had closed because he had served the owners with an eviction <br />notice. He had met with Sgt_ Jeff Bretzing, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, at his <br />request, and their alternatives to get rid of the Union Jack Pub were limited because the <br />owner was paying his rent and had a lease that enabled him to operate a bar. He had <br />asked Sgt. Bretzing whether the City could do anything to enforce the use permit on the <br />property. Sgt. Bretzing stated that the complaints against the bar/restaurant were not any <br />greater than other similar uses in the City and that there was not sufficient evidence to <br />revoke, suspend, or modify their use permit The ownership did not disagree with the <br />conditions suggested by staff as proposed modifications to the use permit, provided the <br />conditions were similar to other bar/restaurants located in the Downtown area. <br />Mr. Straface stated that it was the desire of the ownership of the property to remove the <br />current operator and to bring in another operator whom they currently had at hand. The <br />anticipated new operator would make a presentation before the Commission to explain <br />how he planned to operate the site- He advised that he was also the landlord of the <br />Sunshine Saloon and had experienced similar problems at that location during the 1980's. <br />He noted that after working with the tenant to change the operation and business <br />atmosphere, the same operator now runs that business in a trouble-free manner. He <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 23, 2005 Page 5 of 17 <br />
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