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25. The landscaping adjoining the Jones property shall be designed to screen new houses and <br />shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. <br />1-3UILDIN~~ A1V U SAFETY DIV7SlON <br />26. The soil shall be tested where a recent explo lion occurred for hazardous and <br />exiviro nn~entally damaging materials and a report prepared and submitted for the review <br />of the Planning Director. <br />27. Prior to the issuance of a building penrxit, a list of green-building xrxeasures to be used in <br />the design of the homes covered by this approval shall be provided to the Planning <br />Departxr~cnt for the review and approval by the Planning Director- Each hoxrxc covered <br />by this approval shall be designed to achieve a n-ri nimuxrx of So points using tlxc Alameda <br />C:ounty Waste Management's ~ireen Points rating systerrt. Each of the proposed dwelling <br />units shall be a "green home" with a minin~xum of ten points in tech category (Resources. <br />Energy, and Indoor Air Quality/Health)- <br />28. "11~e proposed green building n~easures shall be shown on one of the first two pagan of the <br />plans submitted for the issuance of a building permit. <br />29. The applicant shall ixrxplerrrcnt the following measures with the construction of the <br />structures covered by this approval so that the owners can install root=mounted <br />photovoltaic systen2s in the future= <br />30. Electrical conduit and cable shall be installed from the root7attic areas to the buildings' <br />main electrical panels- <br />a_ 12001' trusses shall be "engineered" to handle an additional load as dctcrniincd by a <br />structural engineer to accommodate the additional weight of a prototypical <br />photovoltaic system beyond that anticipated for rooting- <br />b_ An area shall be provided near the electrical panel £or the "inverter" required to <br />convert the direct current output From the photovoltaic panels to alternating <br />current- <br />c_ A bi-directional electrical xr~etcr shall be installed- <br />d. These measures shall be shown 0n the building permit plan sets. The applicant <br />shall provide to the future homebuyers the necessary information delineating the <br />means by which photovoltaic paizels can be applied to the roofs of the structures <br />covered by this approval. This information shall he submitted to the Director of <br />Planning Ibr review and approval prior to occupancy of the first unit, if required. <br />31 . All plans submitted for the issuance of a building permit xrxust include a bar scale- <br />5 <br />