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7_ The approved building colors/materials shall be indicated on the final building permit <br />plans_ Any proposed revisions to these approved colors or materials must be submitted <br />for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to painting/installation_ <br />8. Prior to installation of any signs, a final comprehensive sign program shall be submitted <br />to the Planning Director for review and approval. Said sign program shall include the <br />specific details for each sign ~i_e_, colors, xxxaterials, illumination, location, sign text, ete_~. <br />"l~he sign program shall be consistent with the regulations of the Downtown Revitalization <br />District and the Downtown Design Guidelines. <br />9_ If exterior lighting is proposed, the applicant shall submit an exterior lighting plan For the <br />review and approval of the Planning Director prior to issuance of building permits. <br />Lighting shall be designed/installed to reduce glare on adjacent properties and., if deemed <br />necessary by the Plarxxxing Director, shall incorporate cut-off shields to prevent glare onto <br />adjacent properties or roadways. <br />l0. All conditions of approval shall be attached to all building permit plan check sets <br />submitted for review and approval These conditions of approval shall be attached at all <br />times to any grading and construction plans kept on the project site. It is the <br />responsibility of the applicant/property owner to ensure that the project contractor is <br />aware of and abides by, all conditions of approval. It is the responsibility of the <br />applicant/property owner to ensure that the project landscape contractor is aware of, and <br />adheres to, the approved landscape and irrigation plans, and all conditions of approval. <br />Prior approval from the Planning Department is required before axiy changes are <br />constituted in site design, grading, building design, building colors or materials, fence <br />material, fence location, landscape material, etc_ <br />1 1 . The project developer shall effectively screen from view all new ducts, meters, air <br />conditioning equipment, and any other mechanical equipment, whether on the structure, <br />on the ground, or on the roof, with materials architecturally compatible with the main <br />strueture_ Screening details shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance of <br />building permits, the adequacy of which shall be determined by the Planning Director. <br />All required screening shall. be provided prior to occupancy. <br />12. Any new mechanical equipment shall be constructed. in such a manner that noise <br />emaaating, troxrx it will not be perceptible beyond the property plane of the subject <br />property in a normal environment for that zoning district_ <br />13. Trash containers shall be stored within the trash enclosure at all times, except when being <br />unloaded. <br />14_ The applicant shall fund school facilities necessary to offset this residential project's <br />reasonable related impacts on the long-terra needs for expanded school facilities to serve <br />new development in Pleasanton. Determination of the method and manner of the <br />provision of the funds and/or Facilities shall be made by the Pleasanton Unified School <br />District and the City, and may be in addition to the school impact fees required by State <br />2 <br />