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22_ The building permit plan check materials will be accepted for submittal only after <br />completion of the 1 S-day appeal period, measured from the date of the approval letter, <br />unless the project developer submits a signed statement acknowledging that the plan <br />check fees may be forfeited in the event that the approval is overturned on appeal, or that <br />the design is significantly changed as a result of the appeal In no case will a building <br />permit be issued prior to the expiration of the ] 5-day time-period. <br />Tentative/Final Parcel Map <br />23_ With submission of the tentative parcel map for the development covered by this <br />approval, the prof cct developer shall submit a fence plan showing the following= <br />a_ The project developer shall install a metal frame/chain link fence on the comtaon <br />property line separating Parcels One through Four from the property owned by <br />Tom and Mary Greene <386 Sycamore Road. This fence shall be installed with <br />the first construction phase and shall be maintained by the present and future <br />property owners throughout the life of the buildings to be located on these lots- <br />b. The project developer shall retain the existing solid wood fence on the common <br />property line separating Parcel Four from the property owned by Michael and <br />Katherine Ferreira X5821 San Carlos Way~_ <br />c. The project developer shall install a metal, wrought iron style fence along the <br />west side of the public sidewalk connecting San Carlos Way to Sycamore <br />Terrace. This fence shall be installed with the first construction phase and shall <br />be maintained by the present and future property owner of Parcel Four throughout <br />the life of the buildings to be located on this parcel. <br />24. The concrete "V"-ditch and bioswales shall be located in easements. The project <br />developer shall record said easements with the final parcel map. <br />25. The project developer shall record CCBr.R's at the time of recordation of the final parcel <br />map, which shall create a maintenance association for this development including Parcels <br />Two through Four_ The CC8cR's shall be subject to the review and approval of the City <br />Attorney prior to recordation of the final parcel map. The maintenance association shall <br />be responsible for implementing all storm water measures including, but not limited to, <br />the concreie "V"-ditch, bioswales, subdrairis located underneath iha bioswale s, etc-, aad <br />for the maintenance of all private utilities, landscaping, and other coniirioii areas and <br />facilities on the site- <br />26. With recordation of the final parcel map, the project developer shall enter into an <br />agreement with the City for the long-term inspection and maintenance o£this <br />development's storm water facilities including, but not limited to, the concrete "V"-ditch, <br />bioswales, subdrains located underneath the bioswales_ etc_ The Assistant City Attorney <br />shall approve the exact language of this agreement prior to its recordation- <br />6 <br />