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<br />the City limits. The Commission requested the developer to consider increasing the density to <br />yield a higher number of affordable housing units for low-income households. The Housing <br />Commission was pleased with the efforts the applicant had made to provide at least one <br />additional BMR unit and to provide the City with five additional "affordable by design" units. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Action <br /> <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this project at a public hearing on January 25, 2006 (Please <br />see Attachment 6, Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting). SilverStone Communities, the <br />applicant, was present to speak in favor of the proposal and to answer the Commissioners' <br />questions. There was no public testimony in favor of or in opposition to the proposed project. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission had concerns about the applicant's choice to remove the tot lot from <br />the proposal that was reviewed during the Planning Commission's previous workshop. <br /> <br />The applicant stated that the tot lot was removed from the project due to the concerns of a <br />resident on the neighboring lot who was a tenant. The Planning Commission also expressed <br />concern regarding the potential use of the garages for storage rather than parking. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. 'r.~~l~;.. 0i~~~~~~~;~ <br /> <br />i/IfIIICHOIUlr'OltIf" <br /> <br />00000"""",", <br /> <br />IlXITONLT BIRCH CREEK DR. <br /> <br />The Site Plan that was reviewed by the Planning <br />Commission On January 25, 2006. <br /> <br />Revised Site Plan to contain the Planning <br />Commission's conditions of approval. <br /> <br />The Commission conditioned the project to provide an on-site tot lot at the southern portion of <br />the parcel, where there were parking spaces and some landscaping. The incorporation of the tot <br />lot reduces the total guest parking count from 13 on-site spaces to 12 on-site spaces. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed project to the City <br />Council, adding the requirement for a tot lot to be provided, providing additional landscaping, <br />restricting the use of the garages for the parking of two vehicles, the installation of whole house <br />fans, and other minor condition modifications. <br /> <br />SR:06:060 <br />Page 9 <br />