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<br />The Planning Commission did not support the Housing Commission's interest for an increase in <br />the overall density of the project and did not feel that the subject site could contain any more than <br />the number of units being proposed. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> <br />Notice of the City Council's public hearing on this item were sent to all property owners and <br />tenants living within a I,OOO-foot radius of the subject property. In addition, the City advertised <br />the notice in the newspaper and posted the document in front of200 Old Bernal Avenue. <br /> <br />Staff received comments from surrounding neighbors at the two neighborhood meetings as well <br />as through phone calls. Comments from the neighbors are provided in the attached Planning <br />Commission staff report. Staff has not received any additional comments pertaining to the <br />proposed project as of the time that the City Council staff report was written. <br /> <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> <br />A draft Negative Declaration was prepared in conjunction with the proposed planned unit <br />development plan. Based on the Initial Study and Negative Declaration, the project would not <br />have a significant effect on the environment. The proposed project plans have been revised to <br />avoid significant effects or mitigated by design to a point where the effects are insignificant, and <br />there is no substantial evidence that the project as revised may have a significant effect. <br /> <br />Staff has filed a Notice of Completion and a Mitigated Negative Declaration with the State <br />Clearinghouse. No comments have been received from any responsible agencies. <br /> <br />PUD CONSIDERATIONS <br /> <br />The Zoning Ordinance of the Pleasanton Municipal Code sets forth the purposes of the Planned <br />Unit Development (PUD) District and the considerations to be addressed in reviewing a <br />PUD development plan proposal. Please see the Planning Commission Staff Report <br />(Attachment 5) for an analysis of these considerations: <br />1. whether the plan is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare; <br />2. whether the plan is consistent with the City's General Plan; <br />3. whether the plan is compatible with previously developed properties in the vicinity and <br />the natural, topographic features of the site; <br />4. whether the grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is designed in <br />keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or flooding to have as <br />minimal an effect upon the environment as possible; <br />5. whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement the natural <br />terrain and landscape; <br /> <br />SR:06:060 <br />Page 10 <br />