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<br />6. whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the design of the <br />plan; and <br />7. whether the plan confonns to the purposes of the PUD District. <br /> <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br /> <br />The proposed project is an infill development and would be connecting to existing <br />infrastructure. The project developer would install a public sidewalk, a public streetlight, and <br />would be required to pay development and traffic impact fees as specified in the conditions of <br />approval. The applicant would be providing all additional site improvements related to the <br />development. The City would be required to provide ongoing infrastructure maintenance as <br />with any other development. Very little additional fiscal impact is anticipated in that any <br />maintenance costs are ordinary City costs. Common area landscaping, storm water vegetated <br />swales, and the Arroyo embankment would be maintained by the homeowners association and <br />Alameda County, owner of the Arroyo embankment. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br /> <br />The site is an infill site in the City and is zoned for high-density residential development. Staff <br />feels that the proposed PUD-HDR zoning and density are appropriate for the site. Staff believes <br />that the project is attractively designed and would be compatible with the neighborhood. The <br />applicant will construct both on- and off-site improvements which will blend in with the existing <br />neighborhood. The landscaping has been designed to provide enhancements, seasonal color, and <br />privacy to the adjacent developments as needed. The site design has considered the existing <br />vegetation and, where possible, have incorporated existing features. In staffs opinion, the <br />project, with its affordable housing component, will provide a benefit to this community. <br /> <br />ST AFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />Staff recommends that the City Council approve Case PUD-49 by taking the following actions: <br /> <br />I. Find that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and that the <br />project would have a de minimus impact on wildlife, and adopt the resolution approving <br />the Negative Declaration as shown in Exhibit C. <br /> <br />2. Find that the proposed Planned Development Plan is consistent with the General Plan and <br />the purposes of the PUD Ordinance; <br /> <br />3. Make the Planned Unit Development findings as identified in the attached Planning <br />Commission staff report; and <br /> <br />SR:06:060 <br />Page II <br />