<br />hired and is doing baseline ,^,ork pending identification of a Preferred Land Use and
<br />Circulation Plan. The current schedule contemplates completion of the Draft
<br />General Plan by December 2006.
<br />
<br />Vineyard Corridor
<br />Vineyard Avenue - This project is substantially completed ,^,ith the exception of the
<br />construction of the Old Vineyard Avenue trail, installation of the traffic signal at
<br />Petronave Lane, and landscaping along ne,^, Vineyard Avenue. The design contract
<br />has been a,^,arded by the City Council for the Old Vineyard Avenue trail and
<br />landscaping on ne,^, Vineyard Avenue. The design and location of the Petronave
<br />signal has also been approved by the City Council. Removal of the roundabouts ,^,as
<br />also approved by the City Council in October.
<br />
<br />City Fi nances
<br />Fiscal Analysis -- A balanced five-year cash flo,^, analysis ,^,as prepared as part of the
<br />City's Operating Budget. Long-term strategies to address revenues and expenditures
<br />,^,ill be addressed in the coming t'^'O years as part of several policy discussions,
<br />including the next round of labor negotiations, compensation studies, ne,^, economic
<br />development strategies, and General Plan (Fiscal Element) update. In addition, the
<br />City Council approved a Golf Course Reserve Policy that enables year-end General
<br />Fund balances to be dedicated initially to golf course debt service. In 2005, the City
<br />Counci I ,^,as able to set aside four years of golf course debt service payment for this
<br />purpose.
<br />
<br />Affordable Housing
<br />Assisted Living Facility - The City's assisted living facility is currently under
<br />construction and slated for completion in November 2006. The financing plans
<br />(both construction and operations) ,^,ere approved by the City Council in 2005. The
<br />project includes an affordability component and an Alzheimer's unit. This project
<br />represents a unique partnership bet,^,een the City and a coalition of private banking
<br />institutions, the State of California, and Bridge Housing (a non-profit corporation).
<br />
<br />LOlIVer Income Housing Fund Expenditure Plan - This matter is scheduled to be
<br />revie,^,ed by the Housing Commission in January 2005. The goal is to establish a
<br />business plan for ho,^, the City's housing funds ,^,ill be utilized to address future
<br />affordable housing efforts in the community.
<br />
<br />Traffic Circulation
<br />West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station - This project has been before City Council
<br />for approval of financing. The Council has authorized staff to execute the ne,^,
<br />funding agreement. This ,^,ill enable BART and the private developer to begin
<br />construction in early 2006. The developer, BART, Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton,
<br />and the County of Alameda are providing financial support for the project.
<br />
<br />Regional Triangle Study - The study is progressing to analyze seven different
<br />regional improvements/alternatives. The goal of the study is to prioritize regional
<br />
<br />SR 06:022
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