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<br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> <br />Heinl"ich Fischel-. applicant. 1570 Poppybank COUI"l. noted that he had put this a\Nning up to <br />Ixovide shade 1'01' his gl'andson's bil.thday par-ty. and after being nlade a\Nare of the CC&R <br />I-cquil-cnlents 101- a\Nnings. he ,-equested a Illinol' Illodifieation, <br /> <br />ML Fischel' noted the eoncel-n that the a\Nning did not add to thc aesthetic value in the <br />conlnlunity and addcd that Al,ticle 4 of the CC&Rs stated that "'sheds ar'e allo\Ned and anirnal <br />shelters are allo\Ned, He added that fronl Mohl' Avenue to the end of Main Stl'eel. thel'e \Nel'e <br />ovcr 70 a\Nnings and inquired \Nhethcr they \Nel'e a detl-i'llent to Pleasanton's aesthetics, <br /> <br />In I'esponse to an inquil'y by Ms, Ne.-land \Nhether the additional condition of l'cquiring the <br />a\Nning to be nlaintained in good I-epail' \Nas acceptable to hinl. MI'. Fischel' said yes, <br /> <br />Alex FaYlllonville. COlllnulIlity Association Managel-. Rose Pa.-J~ 1-lonleo\Nncrs Association_ <br />noted that the ,-elel-enCe to stnlctul'es in the CC<.~Rs .ncant penllanent stnlctul-es and not <br />sonlething tl'ansient like an a\Nning. I-Ie noted that the CC<.~Rs \Nere silcnt on the types of <br />nlatcl'ials uscd but bclieved that an a"vning \Nas not pal't of the definition, He addcd that the <br />I3oar'd of Dil'ectol's \Nas tasked by the CC&Rs to enlol-ce theil' O\Nn I-cgulations as \Ncll as to <br />nlaintain rnopel-ty valucs and the cUI-b appeal 0 I' thc conlnlunity, The Board of Dil'ectol-s did not <br />bcl ieve the a\Nnings \Nould add to the curb appeal of the cOlllnlunity. cspccially if it becarlle <br />fadcd and I'agged, <br /> <br />In I-csponsc to an inquil'y by Conllllissionel- Blank \Nhethel' thel-c \Nas a covel- deelllcd to be <br />acceptable by thc I-lOA. ML FaYlllonville I-eplied that the 'llain concern \Nas the fnct that a <br />I'csident lllay put up a tcnt. <br /> <br />Janis McWiIliatns Millcl-. 1570 Poppybank COUI-t. notcd that shc livcd next dool' to thc applicant <br />and spoke in opposition to this itcnl, She sublllitted photos of hCI' propel"ly to the <br />Conlnlissionel's, She noted that she nloved to Rose Pa.-J~ bccause of thc stl-ict al'chitectul'e <br />guidelines and CC<.~Rs, Shc objcctcd to the a\Nning. \Nhich had bccn el'ected ovel- thcir Conl.nlon <br />fencclinc. because she believed it \Nas unattractivc. lar'ge. dark and vcry noticeable, Although <br />ML Fischcl' Illovcd the a\Nning t\NO inches fronl the fenceline. the sizc and feeling of <br />cncl-oachnlent did not dilllinish lor hCL Shc believed that \Nhile a \Nood patio covel- and an <br />a\Nning served the sallle puq:>osc. visually they \Nel'e ve,'y di rlel'ent. She noted that \Nood patio <br />covel's blended \Nith the honles in thc conlnlunity, She added that thc I3oal'd of Dil'eetol's stated <br />that a\Nnings do not add value to the eonlnlunity's acsthetics and that they dilllinished the cud:> <br />appeal. She notcd that the Boat'd of Dil'ectors ,-epeatedly dcnicd his l-equest. She notcd that <br />a\Nnings \Nel'C IllOI'e appl'opl-iatc I~-'I' a dctached honlc. not fOI' duets such as thcil's, She I-equested <br />that i I' the COllllllission aIlo\Ncd the a\Nning to I'cnlain. it be I'equil-ed to be sct back a I-casonablc <br />distance li'onl theil' lcnceline, <br /> <br />Mar'k Voegele. 1693 Holly Cil'cle. spoke in opposItIon to this itelll, He noted that he \Nas vice <br />Jxesident of the I-lOA BoanJ \Nhen the first conlplaint \Nas I'eccived and \Nhen they III'st dcnied <br />the l'equest. The Boar'd bel ieved that canvas \NouJd \Ncar- Illore quickly than othel' Illatel'ials that <br />could bc uscd. and li-aying. teat'ing. and tnding \Nel-e a conCCl'n, The I-lOA has nevel' approved <br />anything but a latticc\Nork-typc covel' 01- anything not nladc of \Nood, I-Ie notcd that \Nith I'cspect <br />to ML FischcI"s statenlcnt about a\Nnings 101- I'estaul-ants and othel' IJo\Nnto\Nn stol'cli-onts. thcy <br /> <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. Octobc.- 26.2005 <br /> <br />Page 2 01'4 <br />