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<br />addcd to thc acsthctic al1lbiancc ofthc City and addcd that thcy vvcre con~n~el"cial establishn~ents, <br />Hc notcd that such avvnings I'cceived appl"oval l1'on~ thc Planning Conll1lission 0'" Planning <br />Dcpartn~cnt. Hc notcd that it vvas the I'esponsibility of the purchascl's in an HOA to I'ead. <br />undcl"stand. and sign the CC&Rs thn:Hlgh the escl'ovv pH~cess, <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING "'AS CLOSED. <br /> <br />In I"csponsc to an inquil'y by Acting Chail' AI'kin vvhy the Con~nlission should beCOI1lC involved <br />in this n~atter. Ms, Dcckcr replied that thcl'c '\vas an intcq")l'ctation that needed to bc l1lade <br />I'cgarding thc natul"C ofavvnings and patio covers. vvhich could be lookcd at in both fashions. <br />Stafr bel ieved that nlthcl" than n~akc that intcq")l'etation. it could bc Ixought bcfol'c the <br />Con~n~ission as a lnajol' Inodification, <br /> <br />COlnlnissionel' Robel'ts believed the Pl"ohibition against avvnings vvas against avvnings OVCI" <br />vvindovvs. vvhich vvould be a dcsign probleln in duets, Shc did not belicvc that a SCI"een avvning <br />should be offensive. except that in looking at these photogl'aphs, this largc avvning bcing that <br />close to thc neighbor vvas a problcln, She did not believc this avvning bclongcd in that duct. <br /> <br />Conllnissioncl' Fox noted that vvhen hel" con~plex vvas built. thel'c VVCI"C no satcllitc dishes 01' <br />l"etl'actablc avvnings and that they had to bc addrcsscd altcl" thc technology vvas available, She <br />inquil'cd vvhethel' the cnvning Pl"oduced noisc vvhen it '\vas retnlcted, <br /> <br />Ms. IJcckcl' notcd that she vvas unavval'e of any noise ilnpacts vvllen it vvas I'ctractcd and added <br />that the applicant indicatcd that it vvas not alvvays fully opcn, With I'cspect to COlnlnissionel" <br />I3lank's qucstion regal"ding setbacks. she notcd that thc standards shovvn on pagc 3 of the staff <br />repol"t allovved a zel'o setback on one sidc and gl'eatel' than 01" cqual to thl'ee feet on thc othcl' sidc, <br /> <br />COlnn~issioncl' Pcal'cc bclicved that the I-lOA ,'elied on the pur::> to lnake its detenllination, and <br />belicved that thc Con~lnission vvas obligated to clal"ify it. <br /> <br />Conln~issionel' Blank bel ieved that the hon~eovvnel's had an obi igation to be avval'e of thc CC&Rs. <br />\vhich the HOA '\vas obligatcd to enfol-ce, He added that tlle,"e vvas no entitlcn~entto vievv and <br />believcd that this patio covel" cOIning up to the zel"O lot line vvas n~OI'e than a vievv obstruction, <br />I-Ie addcd that shading. vvind pallen~s. and nlin coverage vvould all be afTectcd by the placelnent. <br />He vvas vel'y conccl'ncd that based on the testilllony. all of the covel'S, avvnings. and eaves in the <br />developl1lent appeal"ed to be opcn. He bclicvcd thc I'cqucst should be denicd, <br /> <br />COlnn~issionel' Fox noted that she vvould suppc:)]'t staIrs ,'econ~n~cndation on this I'equest and <br />addcd that this vvas cOlnpm"able to three Ulnbl"ellas placed next to one anotheL Shc pI'efelTcd the <br />aesthetics of the patio covel' to scvcl'al ulnbrellas, She added that Gingel"bl'ead PI'eschool had a <br />detached patio covel' on its playgl'ound to pn~tect the chi Idl'cn fl'on~ the sun. <br /> <br />Acting Chail-pcl'son A.-I<in notcd that hc vvould SUPPOI"t <br />should not bc addrcssed by thc Planning Con~n~ission, <br />developn~ent standard 1"0'" one lot in a PUD, <br /> <br />the n~otion to dcny but bclieved that this <br />Hc vvas uncon~jol"table n~aking a custon~ <br /> <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. Octobcl' 26,2005 <br /> <br />Page 301'4 <br />