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<br />EXHIBIT <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Pl1 D-85-0 t -4M. Heinrich Fischer <br />Application for a Inajor Inodit'ication to an approved PUD dcveloplnent plan to allcnv a <br />I'ctractahle canvas a~vning; to the rear t"a",ade ot" an existing; residence located at <br />t 576 Poppy hank Court in the Clulrtel' Oaks development. Zoning t"or the property is <br />PUD-MDR (Planned Unit Development - Medium Density Residential) District. <br /> <br />Ms, Dcckct' sun~n~arizcd the staff t"CPOI.t and described the scopc and layout or this application. <br />Staff on.linm"ily \Nould have pl-ocessed this application as a Ininor n~odification; hO\Never, <br />opposition \Nas expt"cssed by ncighbot's and the Rose Pa.-l< 1-lon~co\Nnet"s Association (I-lOA), <br />The I-lOA dcnied t\NO t'equests based on its dctennination that the cover \Nas installed \Nithout the <br />app,'opriate appt'ovals; the patio cover \Nas an a\Nning and not allo\Ned pel- the PU D guidelines 01' <br />CC&Rs; the covet' does not add to the aesthetic value or the con~n~unity; and the covel" \Nas <br />n~ounted ct'ossing thc p,'openy line, a condition \Nhich has since been I"cn~edied, <br /> <br />StalTtypically SUppOl'tS the position of 1-IOAs reganJing design issucs in thcil" particulm- <br />developlncnts and respects thc Rose Pa.-l< 1-lon~co\Nnel's Association's position that thc a\Nning <br />does not n~cet its aesthetic standm"ds, Stafr found the CC&Rs silcnt on \Nhat constitutes a patio <br />covel". Staff bclieved that thc 10\N height, sctbacks, and I-etractable natut"C of the COVCI' \Nould <br />Initigatc any potcntial ilnpaets, The Planning Depat-tlnent genc,'ally considcrs I'cquests such as <br />thc applicant's in a b,"oadel- contcxt and t.-ies to accolnlnodate thcse pt'oposals that appcat' <br />I'easonable and that seen~ to avoid ilnpaets to thc ncighbo.-l~ood, Starr t"econ~n~ends that the <br />Planning Con~n~ission t'econ~n~end appl'oval of this iten~ and fot'\NanJ it to the City Co unci L <br />subject to the conditions listcd in Exhibit 13, \Nith an additional condition, \Nhich thc applicant has <br />not been ,nadc a\Na,'e of at thc tin~e or thc hcat'ing, that the a\Nning be n~aintained in good repair <br />at all ti n~cs and be ,-eplaccd i I' ton~, faded, at" othet'\Nisc sho\NS \Ncal". Staff noticcd pl'opet'ty <br />O\Nners and t"esidents \Nithin a I,OOO-Ioot nldius of this site" COlnn~cnts havc been receivcd (~"oln <br />both the Rose Park I-lOA and othct, concet'ned ncighbot's expt'cssing opposition to thc pt'oposed <br />pl"Clject. <br /> <br />In t'esponsc to Con~lnission inquiries. Ms, Decket" descl'ibed the physical chm'actcl"istics of the <br />il\NI1ing. <br /> <br />In t'esponsc to an inquit,y by Cotnn~issioncl" Peat'ee I'egan.ling thc Cotnlnission's autho.-ity to <br />ovcn'ide thc 1-IOA's contnlctual t-clationship bet"veen an I-lOA and the hon~eo"vnet-. Ms, Ne.-land <br />t'cplied that there \Net'C t\NO diffet'ent con~poncnts of t'egulation" The City has J'egulations that <br />need to be n~et. t"egal-dless of \Nhat the I-lOA Inay agt'ce to and bind itscl I' tht'ough the CC&Rs, <br />Ultin~ately, the I-lOA's t"cst.-ictions n~ay bc n~ot'e t"cstt'ictivc than the City's t"cquil"Cn~ents, but not <br />less, Ms, Ne.-land notcd that the Planning COlntnission \Nas not the appt-oPI'iatc body to add,"ess <br />any pCI"Ccived discl-epancics in the CC&Rs \Nhich did not violatc the City's t'cgulations, <br /> <br />Con~n~issioner Fox adviscd that she did not livc closc enough to this sitc to t'equit-e rccusal I~-on~ <br />this itetn but that shc "vas IXII-t or an I-lOA that had t'esidcnts olT of Kan~p Dt-ive and Gat-den <br />Ct'cck Cit'cle, This I-lOA \Nas dirfcJ'cnt but had conductcd n~cetings t'cgarding patio covet-S; that <br />I-lOA boal"d has approvcd pcn~~ancnt patio COVCt'S 011 a case by case basis dUI'ing n~cctings that <br />shc has attended, <br /> <br />Ms, Decker noted that this I'equest \Nas site-spccific and \Nould not apply to the entire PUD, <br /> <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. Octobet' 26.2005 <br /> <br />Page I 01'4 <br />