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<br />In. reSpOl'1Se to an inquiry by Corr:u'1'1issioner Sullival.'1., J\v1r_ IscrsoJ-:t l.-:toted that the EV ~ road <br />vvould C01""11'1ect vvith the EVA systcrn on Kottinger I-Za1"1ch., vvhich vvould req uire approval <br />:frOI"11 the I<-ottinger Rancl'1 Homeovovners Association_ <br /> <br />David G-lenl""l.., 10 Tehan. C:m'1yol"1 Road., expressed C01"1CCrn about th.e rcrnoval o:t- <br />approximately 400 trees,. irlcluding 218 h.critage trees_ He noted that the oak tree roo"ts <br />penetrated the groul"1d to a depth cornparable to their heigl'1t., vvl'1ich stabilized the hi llside. <br />He noted that the constant dropping of leaves., tvvigs,. and branches provides ground cover <br />to reduce soil erosion. He added that they survived the arid environ.ment o:f-the area very <br />vovelL, and protected the 'VVater requirements that vvould be l""l.eeded if' ncvv Iandscapil'1g vvere <br />plal""1ted. He noted that during the six year drought,. City Council voted to reduce every <br />resident supply by 500/0,. aJ.""l.d noted that the <"<"l'v1:iracle 1'v1.arch"" rains alleviated tl"1e drought <br />somevvhat. He asked the ComI"11ission to disallo'VV the sacrificing o:t-heritage oak trees for <br />vovater-intensive uses. <br /> <br />.Tosepl-:t ~rruda., 779 Sunny Brook V'\Ia.y., subn,itted a speaker slip but vovas not in <br />a."ttel'1dancc to speak. <br /> <br />Cl"1arlcs .Tohnson., 726 SUIT11"11it Creek, .noted that he purchased his hon.'1e nil""l.e rnonths <br />ago,. and selected it because of its quiet location an.d space fc:>r four boys to play _ He <br />l--:loted that his vvife '-Vas an escrovv coordinator., al'1d vvcH_1.ld J'1ot sign their closil'1g <br />documel-:tts vvithout thoro1..1.ghly examining tl""l.em. He did not believe they vvo1..1.ld be able to <br />back out of their ovvn drivevvay because ort.he in.te1'1Se tl-a-tTtc. He n.oted 1:hat irt.l'1ey l--:lad <br />knovv:I""l. abo"ut this project vvl"1en. they purchased tl""l.eir home., they probably vvo"L1.ld l-:tave <br />changed tl--:leir decision_ <br /> <br />.Ton Harvey., 3790 Smallvovood Court" forr:ner C;ity and C:'ou.n..ty Plarlning Cor:nmissioner,. <br />noted that the grading map sho"V\fed that much of the land had a slope greater than. 300/0_ <br />He i.nquircd l""l.oVV the enviro.nmental impacts to that arnount of grading vvould be <br />mitigated. He noted that there vvere numerous vvater seeps on tl""l.e property., and "V\fished to <br />ensured that vvas covered from a fiovv and quality perspective on. surface :flovov as vvell as <br />ground vvater. From a biological perspective" he vvished to address t]:-:le microbes" flora" <br />and fauna t11at live around the seeps and depends on tl-:tose areas for l""l.abitat_ He agreed <br />vvith 1v1:r. Ci-Ienn"s statel"11ents regarding the oak trees_ He vvas very involved il-:t tl-:te <br />pro1:ectioJ"1 of agric1..1.ltural lands in tl""l.e area., and vvas concerned about tl.....e impacts o-t- the <br />raI-:tgeland loss a1"1d t11c possible I--nitigatioll_ <br /> <br />J'V1r. Harvey believed the dedication of open space vvas nice for 1a1'1dscaping" but the area <br />l-:tO ICH""l.ger had viable l"1abitat. or agricul1:ural lal"1ds. He supported IT1itigating the habitat <br />and tl-:te agricultural lands tl""1at vvould be lost_ <br /> <br />l'v1elissa Del"1ena., 6830 Via del C_-=>ro,. S1...1-bl:-:l"1ittcd a speaker slip", bu1: declined to speak_ <br /> <br />Rich CiI"11in.o., 1281 Ridgevvood Road., inquired hovv is tl'1e lIeritage Tree Ordinance vvas <br />enforced,. and vvhet:her there vvas a City dOCUmel'1t vvhich 01..1tlined the Ordil""l.anCe_ <br /> <br />PLANNING COl'vll'vlISSION lVtINUTES September 24, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 1 2 <br /> <br />--.'..-..--.-.-..----. <br /> <br />-~I----r------- <br />