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<br />l'V1:r_ IsersoTl advised that un.der Chapter 17 o:f-the Pleasanton 1"v1:un.icipal Code,. trees vvere <br />required to be located an.d catalogued as to species,.. size,.. health." condition" an..d value as <br />part of the tree assessmen.t. ~'hat information is then included in. the developmel'1t process <br />and the E::.lR so the City vvas avvare ot=' vvhicl'1 trees are threatened,. proposed to be removed." <br />and hovv tl1ey may be mitigated. ~ith tl"" inf-<.::>rmation,. the development may change to <br />sa-ve trees,. and/or replace them vvitl"1 other nevv trees_ <br /> <br />C:'-omn:"1issiol"1er Roberts advised that aJ.'1 arborist aJvovays examined such developrn.ents,. al"1d <br />provided reports to the City_ <br /> <br />T"v1:r. Cimin.o inquired vvl""l.etl"" the C~ity cO"LIld consider l"1ot building this developmel""l.t in <br />exchange for a building permit for project in the flatlal'1ds" rather than do all the grading <br />that vvas plal"11"1cd_ <br /> <br />T"v1:s_ ~erland advised tl'1at C--::hapter 17_ I 6_050 o:t-the Pleasanton l'Vl1...1-.nicipal C~ode vvas tl'1e <br />applicable dOCUIT1el""l.tationf<.~r those issues. Sl-:te noted that tl""l.e l\I1unicipal Code vvas <br />available on tl"1e City"s vvebsite" and at tl"1e library_ <br /> <br />Vanessa Kavvaihau,. 871 Sycarn.ore Road,. lloted that she vvas not a Grecnbriar resident" <br />and l"1oted that the ~orthern. Sycamore Specific P'lal'1 preserved more open space tl'1cL.n <br />vvhat vvas originally planl1ed for the area in the late 1980s. She t11anked Greenbriar for <br />n""leeting and exceeding City Council"s requests on June 3" 2003" to il""l.clude IT10re <br />a:t:tordable and inclusionary housing_ She noted that V\fhen. she discussed the] 13-1...u"" plan. <br />in October" 2003" vvith someone in.volved vvith the project,.. she voiced her concerns about <br />the tree removal,. the grading,.. and the houses along the ridge next to the City vvater tank_ <br />She noted tl'1at anyone vvalking along tJ'1e creek il1 Greenbriar vvould be able to see tl"1at,. <br />and sh..e vvas opposed to any bui Iding Ol""l. the ridge. <br /> <br />Regardil'1g tra-tT1.C plal""l.S,. l'Vls. ~avvail'1au read a selec-tion fron, Section. 3 (page 24) of- tl-:te <br />Northern SycalT10re SpecifIC Plan" vvhich stated that tl~e ....north/soutl-:t., east/vvcst collector <br />route should 1"10t exceed a total average daily tra:tnc a1: a rnaXilYl.UIT1 build-out or 10.,,000 <br />vel-:ticles" including existing aI-:td iuture developrnel-:tt in th.e planned area: SycalTl.Ore Road., <br />Lund II,. and other Soutl"1 Pleasanton areas. "" VVhen the ETR is vvritten" she '-Yould like to <br /> tl-:tat the original sectiOl'1 or Sycan--:1ore Road at SUI-:tol Boulevard not exceed 10,,000 <br />cars per day. She noted that Foley Rancl'1 residcnts reserved the right to develop the upper <br />third portion of that property. <br /> <br />~aI1ette '.l'araya "Yonk,.. 732 SUrI'1rI.'1it Creek La.n.e" r'lot:ed that sl"1c a.n.d l"1er 1"'1"Llsbal-:td bC"lLLgl"1t <br />their home because it seemed quiet and appropriate for their young children. She valued <br />i1:s friendliness tovvard children., and their ability to play outside vv-ithout l-:tavi.n.g to vvc>rry <br />about l'1eavy traffic_ She ex.pressed COnCerl"1 abo"Llt tl""l.c l"1eavy traf-Tlc load that V\fould be <br />added 1:0 Sun"lmi1: Creek Lane, vvhich vvould no1: allovv her children 1:0 play baseball or ride <br />tl"1eir bikes outside. Tfthey had knO"VVYl about the <'1cnt planned for SUIT1IT1it Creek <br />I Jan.e,. they vvould 1"10t havc bought that l"1on--:1e. <br /> <br />PLAN1"fING C~01Vl1VlISSIC>N 1VlIN~JTES September 24, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 1 3 <br />