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<br />II""l. response to an inquiry by Comn""1issioner Sullivan" l\I1r_ Iserson advised that the <br />Plaru.-:til-:tg CommissioI1 may sugges1: alter-:nativcs as V'Vcll_ I--:l:e r101:ed that. vari<..">us IY1eaSLlres <br />lT1ay be ta..ken to reduce el-:tvironmental impacts" such as reducing gradings or moving <br />l""l.ollses_ <br /> <br />Greg Perkins." 880 Sun""1mit Creek Lane" expressed COl""l.Cern about the disclosLlre l:>y <br />Ci-reel'1briar,. a1"1d noted tl'1at they clid not receive speci:f"ic il""l.1orrnatiorl about the future <br />developlT1ent plans vvhen they bought their hCH""1""l.e. He .noted that vvas a false statement" <br />and believed tl'1at tl""l.e agent.s vvere a'V'Vare o:f-the developrnent plans. <br /> <br />In response to al-:t inquiry by COl'1'1r1'1issioner 1V1aas,. 1'\/lr. l>erkins noted that l'1e vovould have <br />to search thro" ll""1al""1Y documents to contJrrn. tl'1at he l"" that: disclosure statement_ <br /> <br />:I'\.t1r. Perkins noted that the ten trips per l""1ousehold vvasheavily uI-:lderestin.,ated,. al"1d noted <br />tl,at 1,,500 trips per day tra.nslated to 150 trips per hour_ He vvitnessed several near-- <br />accidents at the blind corner near SUI""l.Set Creek" vvhich he stated 'VVas a very dal-:lgerous <br />area_ He vvas I-:t01. a'V'Vare tl""1at a develoPlT'lent 01 this n.'1agnitude vvas being built" a.n.d V\Tas <br />told that Greenbriar did not knoV\T vvl'1at vvas being put in_ <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry by COIT11T1issioner lVlaas,. J'V1r. Perkins noted that I""1C vvas 1""l.0'\A1 <br />a.vvare of the :future construction of NeV\T Cities_ <br /> <br />Ken Czaja" 1141 Lund Ranch Road" believed tl-:tat the nUIT1ber o-t-homes in tl'1e <br />development vvas too high,. and noted that the General Plan midpoint vvas 82 l-:toI11es. He <br />noted tl-:lat tl-:le n..urnber of homes vvould have a negative impact on tra:fI"ic and noise,. <br />beca"L1-se oftl""1e hovvl-shaped area. He noted that there vvas no gree.n helt connectiOl'1 vvitl'1 <br />Nevv Cities as tl'1ere vvas vvith Ventana Hills. He noted that the road extension appeared to <br />go to a potential nevv development_ <br /> <br />lV1r_ Tserson n.oted it '-Vas a connection to tl""l.e Foley property,. vvhicl""l. '\.Vas currently <br />"L1.sed for cattle ral'1chil'1g_ <br /> <br />1\/Ir_ Czaja il'1quired about the impact on tJ'1e vvater f10vv to the creek,. especially by l""1is <br />property. l-Ie believed tl-:tat '-Vas subject to serious erosion problcn'1s. He strol'1gly objected <br />to tl'1e possibility of- building hon'1es on the ridges,. and noted tl'1at it V\Tould l'1ave darnage <br />tl"1e: visual and aesthetic irnpacts. I-Ie vvas concerned that 400 trees" including 200 l"1critage <br />trees" on the hillside vvould be destroyed" vvhich hebclieved vvas out of proportiOl""1. He <br />l'1oted that the grading vvas massive" and that the hillside vvould be devastated by tl"1e cut <br />and fill operation..s_ <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry by Chairperson Arkin" Fritz Geier noted tha.t in additiol"1 to tl-:te <br />letters received" the scoping process." and the con1..mcnt.s by the Commission V\Tould be <br />incorporated into the EIR analysis_ He noted that the City provided a list or ten. issues" <br />and if" more issues vvere raised." he vvould discuss their addition vvith the City. <br /> <br />PLANNING COlVllVlISSION lVIIN~TTES Scptcn..ber 24, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 1 1 <br /> <br />"-r <br />