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Commissioner Sullivan believed this was a different case, given the large amounts of <br />water and electricity this project would use. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Roberts regarding the water park's operation <br />during potential drought conditions, Mr. Iserson replied that a standard condition of <br />approval stated that water shortages may prevent them from getting the plar~ned volume <br />of water. <br />Commissioner Roberts noted that she would like to hear the applicant's proposals with <br />respect to water shortages- <br />Commissioner Sullivan noted that the water park would use 4.2 million gallons of water <br />per year. <br />Commissioner Sedlak advised that a residential house would use between 650 - 1,000 <br />gallons per day, for an annual use of roughly 350,000 gallons per year. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Kameny, Mr_ Iserson advised that it was <br />determined that the only intersection that the project would have a significant negative <br />impact on would be the Stanley Boulevard/Bernal/Valley intersection. <br />In response to an inquiry by CJommissioner Maas, Mr. Iserson confirmed that the BMX <br />facility would be leased to the City. The City would work with the Park District to <br />finalize the details. He noted that Tom Mikkelsen from East Bay Regional Park District <br />was in attendance to answer any questions. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Mr. Iserson advised that EBRPD staff <br />chose a negative declaration as opposed to an EIR because any impacts were mitigated <br />successfully by the conditions and the plan- The applicant would pay for an EIR, should <br />one have been required. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, Phil Grubstick replied that the new <br />traffic model took into consideration the fact that iriotorists would find an alternate route <br />around an intersection blockage. The new traffic model would evaluate freeway cut- <br />through traffic at El Charro and Stanley, and that the old traffic model could not <br />accomplish that- <br />Mr_ Iserson noted that with both the new and old traffic models, the same level of service <br />standards were used. The normal method of doing the traffic reports was to consider the <br />existing project, plus the approved, plus prof ect_ <br />Commissioner Sullivan advised that the traffic study used for the waterslides did not <br />evaluate impacts from buildout traffic for the East Side_ He noted that the East Side <br />Traffic Study had not been completed. <br />A discussion of the traffic study with respect to buildout ensued. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 28, 2003 Page 10 <br />