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believed the expansion would be compatible with the surrounding area and -appropriate <br />for the site- Staff considered parking to be sufficient, and that traffic impacts would be <br />mitigated and reduced because the peak hours occurred during weekends and holidays. <br />The East Bay Regional Park District adopted the mitigated negative declaration for their <br />land use amendment to add the De Silva parcel to the park. Staff used this negative <br />declaration for City applications as well; the Commission must act on the negative <br />declaration before acting on the project. <br />Staff recommended approval of the project, and recommended that the Commission <br />approve the mitigated negative declaration, iriake the findings for the General Plan <br />Amendment, rezoning, and conditional use permit, and recommend approval to the City <br />Council- Staff suggested several minor changes to the conditions: <br />1 . Condition 4: This condition would apply to weekday traffic, exclusive of <br />holidays; <br />2. Condition 44: Add the language "unless otherwise approved by the <br />Planning Director"; <br />3_ Condition 75: The Fire Department has indicated that the EVA does not <br />need to be paved, but should be made of an all-weather surface capable of <br />supporting 55,000 pounds- <br />Commissioner Roberts noted that if the noise was excessive or traffic was a problem, the <br />Commission may pull the conditional use permits back- Mr_ lserson noted that the <br />solution must be an operational modification to change the way the applicant did business <br />to mitigate that particular issue. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas regarding the availability of the detailed <br />phasing schedule, Mr_ Iserson was not sure the applicant has that schedule available. The <br />applicant requested approval of the entire project at this time, and staff has included a <br />condition that he prepare a schedule regarding the next steps_ <br />Chairperson Arkin inquired whether gray water would be used to irrigate the vegetation. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that because the structures were less than 20,000 square feet, this <br />project was exempt from the Green Building Ordinance. However, the applicant has been <br />encouraged to used green building measures, which are included in the staff report_ <br />Water would be recycled on site. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan whether the project could be <br />conditioned for certain energy efficiency measures, Mr_ Iscrson advised that could not be <br />done, as Far as LEEDTM issues were concerned- The Green Building Ordinance was <br />specifically draRed so applicants would know when they must meet green building <br />standards- However, energy could be addressed as a resource conservation issue, <br />unrelated to Green Building- <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 28, 2003 Page 9 <br />.....~._ _ _-----r--._.. _._ _.__. _ _.._.T__. _T_. ___.T___. _._. _._. _. <br />