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property be presented to the Commission. He noted those items had been submitted to the <br />Commission_ <br />Staff recommended approval of this item, and advised that the EIR had previously been <br />approved by the City Council The Negative Declaration would be reused_ <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Mr. Pavan confirmed that staff <br />supported using the Hahner property for access to Lot 6, rather than the trail, which <br />followed the original approval. <br />A discussion of the effect of weather conditions and inversions on noise transmission <br />ensued. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that she supported the 23-foot height, and was not concerned <br />about a visual However, if he had pursued the 27-foot height, he would have needed to <br />provide that visual. <br />Ms. Nerland wished to clarify for the record that Commissioner Kameny did not say that <br />his home was a dozen feet from the subject property. Commissioner Kameny advised that <br />he had stated, "a thousand feet" <br />Co~rimissioner Kameny inquired about the location of the Lot 6 driveway. The <br />Commissioners examined the plans at the dais, and the location of the driveway was <br />identified. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN ED_ <br />Linda Chavez, East Bay Regional Park District, P.O. Box 5381, Oakland, supported City <br />staff's recommendation of a 23-foot high building_ She noted that the District was adamant <br />about the height with regard to adjacent homes, particularly Shadowcliff The District <br />could support the second story within the existing roofline. She noted that open space was <br />a very important element in that area, and the District desired the lowest impact on density <br />possible_ <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sedlak, Mr. Pavan noted that there were <br />prelimiriary pad c;levations shown in the exhibit, but an engineered grading map had not <br />yet beer done. <br />A discussion of the setbacks and geotcchnical issues ensued. Mr_ Pavan noted that even if <br />there was some erosion on the creek band, the homes were expected to remain intact due to <br />their setbacks. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, Ms. Chavez noied that the arroyo was <br />part of Shadowcliffs as a passive open space area in its natural state. She noted that people <br />used it to get away from the high activity area, and that the lower profile homes would not <br />be as visually disruptive. She noted that the addition of the fiRh house was possible <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 8, 2003 Yage 16 <br />.._._T____- _... _. ._ _...T __ ~. _'T..-_. _.. _. _.. ._. <br />