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<br />8_ All mechanical equipment shall be constructed in such a manner that noise emanating from <br />it """","ill not be perceptible beyond the property plane of the subject property in a normal <br />environment for that zoning district. <br /> <br />9. The applicant shall submit a final lighting plan for the building and the site for the revieVV" <br />and appro"Val of the Planning Director prior to issuance of building permi1:s. Lighting shall <br />be designed so that it is directed aVV'ay from the adjacent residential properties. <br /> <br />10. All trash,, and recycling shall be contained completely vvithin enclosures <br />architecturally compatible VV'ith "the main s"tructure. The materials and color of the <br />enclosure VV'alls shall match "the building vvalls and the gates shall be corrugated metal, <br />solid VV'ood" or other approved ma"terial. The location and design of the enclosures shall be <br />designed "to meet the requirements or the Urban Clean VVater Runoff Program" including <br />the addition of roofs over the enclosures" the construc"tion of asphalt berms around the <br />periphery of the enclosure" and "the installation of drains 1.n:to the sanitary seVV'er system" <br />etc. Additionally" "the enclosure shall be designed to adhere "to all of the requirements of <br />the City's Recycling ordinance, including the pos"ting or signs" screening requirements" etc_ <br />The final design and location of the proposed and recycling enclosure shall be <br />subject to the appro"Val or "the Director and Fire Chief prior to the issuance or a <br />building permi"t. Trash con"1:ainers shall be stored VV'ithin the enclosure at all times" except <br />VV'hen being unloaded. <br /> <br />1 1 . The building-mounted sign locations sho"V\Tn on the a"1:"1:ached plans are approved as part of <br />this application. I-I:oVV'e"Ver" the specific design and size oIthe "Lucky"s"' signs and se~ces <br />signs are not approved and a separa"1:e applica"1:ion for sign design revieVV' shall be submi"1:ted <br />for "the revieV'ill" and appro"Val by the Director prior to installation. These signs <br />shall be similar in size to "the existing signs. <br /> <br />12_ An application for a comprehensive sign program shovv-ing the design and loca"tions of the <br />tenant signs for "the retail shops shall be su.bmitted ror re-vieVlrll" and appro"Val by the Planning <br />Director prior to the issuance of a building for "the Lucky's expansion. This re-vised <br />sign program shall integrate the "tenant sign design VV'ith "the neVlrll" design and colors for the <br />shopping cen"ter. A schedu.le shall also be submit"ted VV'hich provides a timetable ror "the <br />renovation! replacement of"these e:x:is"ting individual "tenant signs. <br /> <br />13 _ A final lan.dscape plan. and irriga.tion plan shall be submitted to a.n.d appro'Ved by the <br />Planning Director as part of the building permit plan set prior to issuance of a building <br />permit. Said landscape plan shall be consistent vvith the approved preliminary landscape <br />plan ph.I.s any conditions of appro"Val" and shall be detailed in "terms of species" location" <br />size" quantities, and spacing. All "trees u.sed in landscaping shall be a minimum of 15 <br />gallons in size and all shrubs a minimum of 5 gallons, unless othervvise shovvn on the <br />appro"Ved preliminary landscape plan. The final landscape plans shall meet the <br />requirements of the "VVater Conserva"tion Ordinance in effect at "the "time of issuance ofa <br />building permit for "the site. <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />T - T-i"- <br />