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<br />39. <br /> <br />R~sol~tio~ No. PC-94-60 <br />page. '9 <br /> <br />40. <br /> <br />41. <br /> <br />42. <br /> <br />43. <br /> <br />44. <br /> <br />45. <br /> <br />46. <br /> <br />47. <br /> <br />Tra.ffic <br /> <br />48. <br /> <br />The applica~ts shall include erosion control measures on the <br />firlal gr-adi.r:lg pla:n., s1...1b:je.c:t to the. app:r-o"V'"al of the. city <br />Engineer. The applicants are responsible for ensuring that <br />the contractor is a~are OI s~ch meas~res_ No gradirlg shall <br />c>cc~r bet~e.e.rl October 15 arld April 15 ~.r:lless appro"ed erosiorl <br />control measures are in place, s1...1b:ject to the appro"V'"al oI the <br />Building Department. Such measures shall be ma.:Lnta.:Lrled until <br />such time as permanent landscaping is in place. <br /> <br />The applicants shall submit a dust control plan or procedure <br />as part oI the impro"V'"emerlt plarls. <br /> <br />The applicants shall ma.:Lrlta.:Ln the parking lot and loading dock <br />areas.:Lrl clean and orderly marlrler ~t ~ll tim~s_ <br /> <br />st~~~ d~~i~~g~ s~~les, gutte~s, i~lets, outf~lls, ~~ct ch~~~els <br />~~t ~ithi~ the ~~e~ ~f ~ ct~cticatect public str~et O~ p~blic <br />se~"Vice easemeTl.t ~pp~o"Ved by the City ETl.giTl.eer sh~ll be <br />p~i"Vately mai:n.taiTl.ed by the Property O~Tl.e~_ <br /> <br />The ctesigTl. of the ~~ter supply ~Tl.d se~er systems <br />shall be s~b:i ect to the ~e""Vie~ aTl.d ~pp~o""Val of the cit.y <br /> <br /> <br />Appro"Val of the storm draiTl.~ge system sh~ll be s~b:iect. to the <br />re"Vie"VJ" aTl.d app~o""Val of the city aTl.d ZOTl.e 7, as <br />applic~ble_ <br /> <br />ATl.Y damage to e~istiTl.g street impro"VemeTl.ts during const.ruction <br />OTl. the s~b~ect property shall be repaired to the satisfa~tioTl. <br />of the city Engineer at full expense to the de"Veloper. This <br />shall iTl.clude slurry seal, o"Verlay, or street recoTl.struction <br />if deemed ~arrant.ed by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />The applicants' <br />pe~mi t from th.e <br />equipment onto <br /> <br />cOTl.t.ractor(s) shall obt.aiTl. <br />City ETl.gineer prior to TIlo"ViTl.g <br />the site. <br /> <br />ar> <br />ar>y <br /> <br />eTl.croacnmE!-Tl.t. <br /> <br /> <br />The a.pplicaTl.ts shall comply ~ith the city's <br />~~~~g~m~Tl.t ~Tl.d Di~~h~~g~ C~Tl.t~~l ~rdiTl.aTl.~~_ <br /> <br />Storm <br /> <br />Wa.ter <br /> <br />The applicaTl.ts shall pa.y th~ir pro ~a.ta, as ctetermiTl.ecl. <br />by t.he City, of th.e cost of the follc>~iTl.g traffic <br />"Vem.e:n.ts: <br /> <br />'W" ideTl.iTl.g CaTl.YoTl. 'W"ay b~tv.T~~Tl. st~Tl.e::r- icl.g~ lYIall ~~act aTl.ct <br />Foothill Roact to pro"Victe aTl. additional ~estbound lane. <br />