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<br />R~~~l~ti~~ N~_ PC-94-GO <br />pag~ 10 <br /> <br />49. <br /> <br />50. <br /> <br />D. Addi~g a f~~rth ~~rthbo~~d lane ~~ Foothill Road bet~ee~ <br />Deodar Way a~d the ~~rthbo~~d t~ ea~tb~~~d ~~-ramp at th~ <br />Foothill Road/I-SSD interchange. <br /> <br />c_ Lengtheni~g the eastbo~nd D~bli~ Ca~y~~ Road left-t~r~ <br />.la~e and. restripi~g t.o creat.e t~o e:>cc.l"U-si"Ve left.-t."U-r~ <br />la~es, ~ne shared .left.-t.~r~ a~d"U-gh .la~e, a~d <br />right.-t.~rn .lane. <br /> <br />d. <br /> <br />R.est.ripi~g ~ne <br />St.~ner idge Dr i-v-e <br />optional thro~gh <br /> <br />the thro~gh lanes <br />St.oneridge ~all R~ad <br />right.-t~:rn lane. <br /> <br />vvestbo"U-~d <br />create an <br /> <br />of <br />e<t <br />and <br /> <br />on <br />to <br /> <br />The applicants shall pay t.he traffic impr~-v-ement. fee pri~:r t.o <br />iss~a~~e of a b~ilding permit for the pr~~ect_ <br /> <br />The applicants shall into an deferred impro-v-eme~t <br />agreement ~ith the City to pay it.s pro rat.a share of the <br />co~str~cti~n of t.he West. Las B~~le"Vard./Int.erstat.e 680 <br />i~te:rchange. The applicants f'L1-rt.hermore shall agree t.o <br />part.icipat.e t.o it.s pro rat.a share and not prot.est. the <br />formation of a~y assessment dist.rict. ~hich may be formed t.o <br />const.r"U-ct said impr~"Vements_ The agreement shall be s"U-b~ect <br />t.o the re"VieVJ and appro"Val by t.he cit.y Att.orney.. The <br />applica~t.s sh.all enter int.o this agreeme~t pri~r t.o iss'L1-ance <br />of D"U-ilding permit.s. <br /> <br />If t.he city CO'L1-ncil ad~pt.s a poli~y VJithin one (1) year of the <br />design re"VieVJ app:ro"Val, imposing an assessment, lien or charge <br />against t.he s~b~ect property for payment to the North <br />Pleasa~t.on Impro"Vement. District (NPID) f~r the fair-share cost <br />of infrast:ruct'L1-re impro"Vements complet.ed by NPID in t.he area, <br />the applicants shall be req~i:red t.o pay their pro rata share <br />for t.he neVJ OfficeMa:>c, p:ro~ided. the poli~y affects <br />all similarly sit'L1-ated properties (VJhether inside or ~'L1-tside <br />the NPID) on s'L1-bst.ant.ially the same basis and s"U-ch pOlicy, if <br />legally challenged, has been rO'L1-nd to be la~f'L1-l and <br />erl.fc::>>:rc=ea.ble _ The tirne arl.d. method. of payment shall be <br />determiTl.ed by the Plarlnirl.g Di:r-ecto:r- a.rl.d sha.ll fc::>>llc::>>v.T the <br />paramet.ers est.ablished by the city CO'L1-ncil. Phased. payment. of <br />this fee, if any, shall be alloVJed. The cit.y shall, 'L1-pO~ <br />a.pplic=at.i~n by t.he applicarl.t.s, 'L1-se its best effort.s t.c::>> ca~:se <br />t.he. OfficeMax b' to be se.parately assessed for s~ch <br />assessment, lien or charge by creating a separate parcel for <br />s~c=h b'L1-ildi:n..g. <br />