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<br />Resol~ti~~ N~_ PC-94-60 <br /> a <br /> <br />Engineering <br /> <br />31_ <br /> <br />32. <br /> <br />33. <br /> <br />34_ <br /> <br />35_ <br /> <br />36. <br /> <br />37_ <br /> <br />38. <br /> <br />All 1..1tilities req1..1ired t~ ser'Ve a.ny ~r proposed <br />de'Velop~ent. on-sit.e shall be inst.alled 1..1ndergro1..1nd, 1..1nless <br />othe.r~ise de.te.rmine.d by the Cit.y Engineer_ <br /> <br />All parking spa~es shall be st.:riped_ <br /> <br />The lo~at.ion of any neVt>T pad. mOl..1.nt.ed t.ransfor~ers shall be <br />s1..1b~e~t. to appro'Val by the Planning Dire~t.or prior to iss~an~e <br />of per~its by the Bl..1.ilding Depart.ment. _ S1..1ch transIor~ers <br />sha.ll be sc::.reened by landsc::.aping or c::.ont.a.ined Vt>Tit.hin a.n <br />e.nclos~re mat.ching the. bl..1.ilding a.nd 'lNit.h c::.orr-u.gat.ed <br /> _ Any missing c::>r dea.d landsc::.aping arOl..1.nd. existing <br />transformers shall be planted./repla~ed. 'lNith that matc::.h <br />the plant.s arOl..1.nd. t.he t.ransIormer_ All t.ransformers <br />shall be sho~n on the plans sl..1.bmittect for issl..1.anc::.e of bl..1.,ilding <br />permit.s. <br /> <br />The applicants sh.all const.rl..1.~t 'Vert.ical l?_C_C_ Cl..1.rns <br />gl..1.tters ~,it.h.,in this pro~e~t l..1.nless ot.her~ise appro~ect by <br />city Engineer_ Six inc::.h 'Vert.ical c::onc:::rete c::.l..1.rbs sha.11 <br />inst.a.lled bet~een all pa~ed. and. landscaped. areas_ <br /> <br />All backIlc>~ pre~entic>n de'Vices installed. ~ito the de'Vele>pment <br />sha.ll be pa.inted. forest green (pa.ntone Color system Nl..1.~ber <br />2030) and sha.ll be sc::.reened ~ith shrl..1.bbery_ The shrl..1.bbery <br />sha.ll be oI a species and planted a.t a density to <br />satisfactorily screen the de'Vic::e and sha.ll be d.esigned. t.o <br />blend. ~ith a.d.~a.cent landsc::aping_ All de~,ic::es shall be <br />sho~n on the. plans submitted. ror issua.n~e or building permits_ <br />The a.d.eq1..1ac::y of Sl..1.C::o screening sha.ll be determined. by t.he <br />Planning Direc::tor prior to issl..1.a.nce of per~its_ <br /> <br />ar1d <br />the <br />Joe <br /> <br />The applic::a.nts sha.ll sl..1.b~it a. final grading and. drainage pla.n <br /> by a licensed ci'Vil engineer for re~ie~ a.nd. appro'Val <br />~f the city Engineer and/or the Director of <br />Inspect.ion prior to t.he issl..1.a.nce of bl..1.ilding permit_ <br /> <br />The a.pplica.nts shall sl..1.bmit a ::refunda.ble bond n~t to <br />exceed $2,500 _ 00 for a.nd erosion cont.rol prior t.o <br />issua.nce or an Engineering or Building Department pe:J::'"mit _ The <br />amou~t. of this bond ~ill be determined by t.he Cit.y E~gineer_ <br /> <br />The hal..1.l ro~te for all materials to and f~om this de~elopment. <br />shall be a.ppro~ed by the City E~gi~eer p~ior to the iss~a.n~e <br />or a~ e~~:J::'"oachme~t permit_ <br />