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<br />25. <br /> <br />Resol~tio~ No. PC-94-60 <br />Pa.g~ 7 <br /> <br />26. <br /> <br />27. <br /> <br />28. <br /> <br />29. <br /> <br />3D. <br /> <br />The applica~ts shall e~ter i~to an agreement ~ith the city, <br />approV"ed by t.h.e cit.y Attorney, 'W"hich. guarant.ees t.ha.t. a.ll <br />la.nd~caping and open ~pa~e areas incl~ded in this pro~ect ~ill <br />be ma.inta.ined a.t all times in a. ma.nner consistent ~ith the <br />a.ppro~ed landscape plan for this de~elopment_ Said agreement <br />shall r~n ~ith the land for the d~ra.tioT1 of the e~istence or <br />the structures loca.ted on t.he sub~ect. property_ <br /> <br />The applicants sha.ll pro~ide root cont.rol barriers and four <br />inch perforated pipes for pa.rking lot. t.rees, street. t.rees, and <br />trees in planting a.rea.s less t.ha.n ten feet. iTl. 'W"idth, as <br />determined necessa.ry by the Pla.nning Director at the time of <br />re~ie~ of t.he final la.Tl.dsca.p~ pl~~s. <br /> <br />p~i~~ t~ ~~~~p~~~y, th~ l~~ds~~p~ ~~~hit~~t sh~ll ~~~tify i~ <br />~~iti~g to th~ Pla~~i~g Dire~tor th~t th~ lands~api~g has bee~ <br />i~stall~d i~ a~cordan~e ~ith the appro~~d la~ds~ape a~d <br />i~~igatio~ pla~s ~ith respect to size, ~~mbe~, a~d speci~s of <br />pla~ts a~d ~~erall design ~on~ept. <br /> <br />The applica~ts shall adj~st the spri~kler heads as ~ecessary <br />to ~edi~ect the ~at~r a~ay from the mo~~ment signs ~hile <br />e~s~ring complete irrigation co~er~ge of the l~~dscaping <br />aro~nd the signs. All landscaping aro~nd the sig~s shall be <br />restored after installation of the signs and prior to final ~f <br />the sign permit. <br /> <br />No trees shall be remo~ed ot.her than those specifically <br />designated fo~ remo~al on the appro~ed plans. The e~isting <br />ash tree loc~ted in the so~the~st landscape berm shall not be <br />removed to accommodate ne~ parking spaces. The applicants <br />shall inst~ll temporary protecti"-Te fencing arc>~nd the e">Cisting <br />trees that are to remain al~ng the ~estern and SO"LLthern <br />ele~ati~ns of the OfficeMa~ b~ilding. Said fencing shall be <br />installed prior to any grading or const~"LLction on the site. <br />The a.pplicants shall s~bmit a fencing plan for re"-Tie~ and. <br />a.ppro"V'"al by the Planning Director prior to .iss~ance of a <br />b"LLilding permit. <br /> <br />The applicants shall post cash, letter of credit, or other <br />sec"LL~ity satisfactory to the Planning Director in the amo"LLnt <br />of $5,000 for each tree req"LLired to be p~eser"-Ted along the <br />~estern and SO"LLthern landscaped a~eas ad~acent to the <br />OfficeMa~ building, up to a ma">Cimum of $25,000. This cash <br />bond or security shall be retained for one year following <br />acceptance of p"LLblic impro~eme~ts or completion of <br />constr"LLction, ~hiche~er is later, and shall be forfeited. if <br />the trees are destroyed or s"LLbstantially damaged. <br />