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<br />20. <br /> <br />Resol~tio~ No_ PC-94-60 <br />P.a..g~ 6 <br /> <br />21. <br /> <br />B~ilding signs shall ~atch the size and locations as sho~n on <br />the b~ildi~g ele~ations_ Said signs shall be indi~id~al1y- <br />ill~~i~~t~d ~ha~~~l l~tt~~~_ R.a..~~~ay~, ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~d~it~, <br />supports, transformers, and other equipment shall be concealed <br />b~hind the b~ildi~g ~alls_ B~ilding sign details shall be <br />submitted in con~unction ~ith the building permit plans and <br />shall be sub:jec:::t. 1::.0 re-v-ie"W" a..nd a.ppro-v-al by t.he Planning <br />Direct.or prior t.o issu.a.Tl.ce or building permi1::.s_ <br /> <br />The Cost. Plus Imports trailer shall be remo-v-ed "W"i1::.hin 30 days <br />or design re-v-ie"W" appro-v-al for the Offic:::eMax building_ <br /> <br />22. <br /> <br />La.ndscape P:Lan <br /> <br />The a.pplica.nt.s shall make the <br />modific:::.a.t.ions/re-v-isions 1::.0 the l.a.Tl.dsc:::ap~ pla~: <br /> <br />follovvi~g <br /> <br />23. <br /> <br />24. <br /> <br />a40 Gro-u-~dc::o"V~r shall b~ i~st.all~d vvit.hi~ t.h~ ~~vv parki~g lot. <br />~edia~ pla~t.~rs_ <br /> <br />D. Dec::o:rati-vr~ pla~t~r-s (pc>ts) vvit.h larl.dscapi~g shall b~ <br />inst.all~d along port.ions of th~ sidevvalk a:reas in fro~t. <br />or the e~isting st.orer:ront.s_ <br /> <br />c. Landscaping shall b~ inst.alled in place or the sidev.;ralk <br />along a portion of th~ northvv-~st corn~r of th~ Orric~Ma~ <br />1:n.1i ld.ing_ <br /> <br />Details or said landscape plan mod.irications/re-vrisions shall <br />D~ s"U-b~itt~d in con~-u-nct.ion v.;rith the b" p~r~it plans and <br />shall be s"U-b::j ect. to :re"Viev.;r and appro"Val by th.e Planing <br />Director prior to iss"U-ance or b"U-ilding p~rmits_ <br /> <br />The propc>sed tr-ee g:rates shall be s"U-b:ject tc> re""V'"ievv- and <br />appro"Val by the Planning Director prior to installation_ <br /> <br />A final landscape plan and irrigation plan shall be s"U-omitted <br />to a.nd appr-o-vred by Plarl.Tl..i~g Director- as part of the b~ilding <br />permit plan set prior tc> ~ss"U-ance or a b-u-ilding permit_ Said <br />landscape plan shall be consistent v.;rith the appro"Ved landscape <br />plan pl"U-s any conditions or appro"Val, and. shall be detailed in <br />te:rms of species, loca.tion, size, q"U-antities, and spacing_ <br />All trees used in landscaping be a minimum of 15 gallons in <br />size. and all shrubs a minimum of 5 gallons, unless other~ise <br />shovvn on the appro"Ved preliminary landscape pla.n_ The rinal <br /> plans shall meet. the req"U-irement.s of the Water <br />Conse:r"Vation Ordinance in errect at the t.ime. or iss"U-anc~ or a <br />o"U-ilding permit. ror the sit.€._ <br />