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<br />14. <br /> <br />Resol~tio~ No. PC-94-60 <br /> 5 <br /> <br />15. <br /> <br />16. <br /> <br />17. <br /> <br />lB. <br /> <br />If the applica~ts, f~t~~e building o~ner, or tenant requests <br />to install a satellite dish in the future, then they shall <br />pro"V"idE3. a. fully-screened loca.t.iC):rl. for thE!'- sa.tellite d.ish <br />antenna satisfactory to the Planning Director. <br /> <br />The c:::<>lors of the ha.-v-e not been a.ppro"V"ed. _ The <br />applicants shall re-v-ise color Nos. 1 and 2 by reducing the <br />yellc>~ tones and a.dding more tan/beige t.ones to the colors. <br />In addition, the color sha.ll be Color No. a shc>~n on <br />the e:c>:Lor Doa.rd. Color Re'-Tised colors shall be submitted to <br />and appro'-Ted by t.he Planning Direct.or prior to the issua.nce of <br />a building permit. Appro'-Ted colors shall be stated on the <br />pla.:n.s submit.t.ed. for issua.nce of building per~its_ <br /> <br />All m~~h~~i~~l ~q~ipm~~t sh~ll b~ ~o~str~~t~d i~ s~~h ~ <br />th~t ~oise em~~~ti~g from it ~ill ~ot b~ perceptible <br />th~ pr-op~r-ty plan~ of t.he s~b-j ect. pr-oper-t.y i~ a <br />e~~ir-o~me~t for- t.h~t zo~i~g distr-ict_ <br /> <br />m~~~er- <br />beyond <br />~or-m~l <br /> <br />The ~pplic~nt.s sh~ll s-u.omit ~ final lighting pl~n for- the <br />b~ildi~g ~nd the site for- the re~ie~ ~nd ~ppr-o~al of t.he <br />Pla~~ing Direct.or prior t.o issl...1.~nce of b~ild.i~g permit.s_ <br />Lighti~g sh~ll be directed ~~~y from ~d~~cent. r-esidences_ <br /> <br />All t.r~sh ~nd r~f~se sh~ll be cont.~ined ~ompl~t.ely ~it.hin <br />e~closl....1.res ~rc:::hit.ect.l...1.r~lly compat.ible. ~it.h t.he mai~ st.rl...1.ct.l....1.re_ <br />Th~ m~t~ri~ls ~~d color of the ~~lls shall the <br />bl....1.ildi~g ~~lls ~nd the sh~ll be corrl...1.gat.ed, solid <br />~ood, or- ot.her ~ppro~ed mat.eri~l_ Th~ ~nd d.esig~ of <br />the e~closl....1.res sh~ll be designed t.o meet. t.he reql....1.ire~e~t.s of <br />the Urban Clean Water Rl....1.~off Program and shall be sl....1.bject to <br />the ~ppro~al of t.he Pl~nning Dire~tor_ The trash <br />shall be co~ered ~nd a sep~r~te s~nitary se~er drain pro~idect_ <br />No other area may dr~in into the tr~sh ~re~_ Trash cont~iners <br />shall be stored ~ithin the at all times, e~cept ~hen <br />being ~nlo~ded_ <br /> <br />19. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MO~l....1.ment sign lo~ations h~~e been appro~ed. as indicated on the <br />site pl~Tl_ The ctesigTl or the Ynonl...1.ment s.:::Lg~s sha.ll be <br />sl...1.bmitted to the Pl~TlTling Director for consideratioTl ~nder <br />separate applicatioTl_ Monl...1.ment signs shall be designed to <br />complement the shopping-center Dl....1.ilding, <br />sh.a.ll be ~ lo-w--profile design, sha.ll be limited t.o three <br />tenant names and the name of the shopping center, and shall <br /> the street address_ <br />