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<br />s. <br /> <br />Resol~tio~ No. PC-94-60 <br />Pa.g~ 4, <br /> <br />9_ <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />The applicants shall pro~ide a pedestrian connection from the <br />sp~i~gda.le A~e~~e to the i~ f~o~t <~o~th) or <br />the ne~ OfficeMa~ b~ilcting. Details of said sicte~alk <br />c:onnec:tiorl. sha.ll be sl...1b:j e.ct. to re......,iev.r a.nd. appr-o-v-a.l by the <br />Planning Director prior to issl...1anc::e of Dl...1ilcting permits... <br /> <br />The applic::a.nt.s shall C::l...1t back an a.ppro~ima.tely 5 ft_ section <br />of the e> cl...1rb from the. "'iNE!s-ternYne>st. "Mall R.oad. <br />dri"V"E!v.ray en.tra.nce... Det.a.ils of dri......,ev.;ray mod.ifica.t.ion <br />sha.ll be sl...1b:i ec:t to re-.....,-ie--w- and appro-vra.l by the. Pla.nning <br />Direct.or a.nd. City Engineen::" prior t.o issuance. of l::n...:t.:Llding <br />pe::t::'"mit.s_ <br /> <br />The a.pplica.nt.s sha.ll insta.ll a. pedestria.n link (e._g..., concret.e <br />"'W"alkv.ray) b~t~~~n th~ ~~isting sid~~~lk ~d~~c~nt t~ th~ L~i L~i <br />R.~st~u-~~nt ~nd t.h~ p::r~pose.d side~~lk ~d~~c~nt t~ th~ e~st <br />ele~ati~n ~f the OfficeM~~ bu-ilding. D~t~ils ~f s~id <br />pedest::ri~n link sh~ll be s~bmitted in c~n~u-nction ~ith the <br />b~ilding per-mit pl~ns ~nd sh~ll be s~b~ect t~ r-e-....Ti~~ ~nd <br />~ppr-o-....T~l by the Pl~nning oi::recto::r_ <br /> <br />11. <br /> <br />A~~hite~t~~a1 Desiq~ <br /> <br />12. <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />The ~pplic~nts sh~ll p:r~"V""ide a:rchitect.~:ral of the <br />b::reeze~~y/pedestrian conn~ction t.o t.h~ ::rear parking lot area <br />at the s~~t.heastern port.i~n of t.he main shopping center <br />bu-ilding. The b'-1.ilding m~dif ic~tion shall be designed to <br />complement. the e~isting shopping bu-ilding <br />architect.~:re/d.esign ~nd sha.ll be completed pri~r t.~ ~ccu-pancy <br />of the Office~a~ bu-ild.:Lng. Said design det.ails sh~ll inclu-de <br />pav-i-ng ~nd pla.nters ~nd sha.ll be s~bject t.~ re--vie.~ and <br />~ppro-....Tal by the Pl~nning Oirect.~:r p::rior t.~ issu-ance of <br />b'-1.ilding pe:rmit.s. <br /> <br />The applicant.s shall inst.all metal lattic~ panels ~it.h --vines <br />~long por-tions of th~ ~estern ~nd east.ern b~ilding ele--v~ti~ns_ <br />The l~cat.ioTl. and design of the p~nels and species of <br />--vines sh~ll be su-b~ect t.~ :re"V""ie~ ~nd app::ro"V""~l by t.he Pl~Tl.ning <br />Di:rect.~:r p::rio:r to iss~ance of b~ilding permit.s_ <br /> <br />The. applicants shall effect..:L--vely screen fr-om "V""ie~ all d'-1.cts, <br />meter-s, air- conditioning eq~ipment, and ~ny ot.her mechanical <br />eq~ipmeTl.t, ~hether- on the st:r~ct.', ~n the gr-o'-1.Tl.d, ~:r on the <br />roof, ~ith ma.t.eri~ls ~rchitect.'-1.r-~lly comp~tible ~it.h the main <br />st.ruct.ure. Screening shall be sh.o-w-n on t.h.e plans <br />submit.t.ed for iss~~nce of permit.s, t.he adequacy of <br />~hich shall be det.e:rmined by t.he Pla.nning Oi:rect.c:::>:r _ All <br />requir-e.d sc:reening shall be p:rov-ided pr-ior t.o occupancy_ <br />