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<br />64. <br /> <br />Resol~tio~ No. PC-94-GO <br /> 13 <br /> <br />65. <br /> <br />Fi.zoe. <br /> <br />66. <br /> <br />67. <br /> <br />6S. <br /> <br />69. <br /> <br />70. <br /> <br />71. <br /> <br />72_ <br /> <br />All ~etai~ing ~alls highe~ than fo~~ feet f~om the top or the <br />~all to thE!. bottom or the foot~ay shall be const~~cted of <br />~einforced concrete or shall be an appro~ed crib ~all type. <br />'U.latioTl.s signed. by a. registered c,i-v-il engineer shall <br />accompany the ~all plans. <br /> <br />The a.pplica.nt.s sha.ll s-u.bmit t."'iNC> copies of t.he sit.e soils <br />report to the Direct.or oI B-u..ilding Inspection. If necessary, <br />a. t.hird pa.rty peer re-v-ie"'iN sha.ll be completed at. t.he <br />applicants' e~pense prior to iss"U.a.nce OI a. gra.ding permit.. <br /> <br />The a.pplicant. sha.ll inst.a.ll an a-u.t.omatic fire sprinkler system <br />for t.he D-u.,ilding. The sprinkler syst.em shall be shc>~n on t.he <br />pla.ns s-u.bmittect for iss-u.a.nce OI b-u..ilding permits a.nd shall b~ <br />s~b~~~t t~ r~~i~~ and appr~~al by th~ Fir~ Chi~f and Dir~~t~r <br />~f B~ilding Insp~~ti~n pri~r t~ iss~an~~ ~f a b~ilding p~rmit_ <br /> <br />Fir~ alarm and detecti~n systems are req~ired s~b~e~t t~ the <br />re~ie~ a.nd. appr~~al by the Fire Ch.ief _ Detailed. plans <br />the fa~.ility lay~~t, ~eiling heights, ~ffice areas, <br />storage plans and. height.s, et.c _ shall be. s~bmit.t.ed by the <br />appli~ant to the Fire Chief p:ri~:r t~ installat.ion of said <br />systems_ <br /> <br />The appli~ants sh.all post address n~merals ~n the b~ilding so <br />a.s t.~ b~ plainly ~isible from all ad.~~ining street.s ~r <br />dri~e~ays d~ring both daylight and night. t.ime h~~rs_ Tenant <br />spa.~es shall b~ identified as determined by t.he city_ <br /> <br />The de~el~pment. shall meet. all req~ireme.nts ~f t.he Pleasant.on <br />Fire Code (Chapter 20_24 of t.he Pleasant.on M~ni~ipal C~de)_ <br /> <br />The sit.~ shall be kept free of fire hazards fr~m t.he start of <br />~~nst.r~ct.ic>n t.o final inspecti~n_ <br /> <br />Appro~al ror t.he n~mber, t.ype and. location of rire hydrants <br />shall be s~b~ect t.~ t.he appr~~al of t.he Fire Chief and t.he <br />city Engi:rl.~~r_ <br /> <br />Trash encl~s~:res ~hich <br />indi~idual capacity ~f <br /> fi~e feet. of <br />combustible roof eaves <br />fire sprinkler syst.em_ <br /> <br />are sized. to cont.ain dumpst.ers ~it.h an <br />1_5 c~bic yards and ~hich are located <br />combustible. ~alls, openings, ~r <br />shall be provided with an automatic <br />