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<br />R~s~l~ti~~ N~_ PC-94-60 <br />Pa..g~ 14 <br /> <br />73. <br /> <br />Th~ applica~ts shall ~~s~r~ that fir~ pr~t~cti~~ faciliti~s, <br />i~cl~di~g a..11 ~~~fa..~~ ~~a..ds, fi~~ hyd~a..~ts, a..~d a.. ~a..t~~ s~pp1y <br />capable of furnishing the required fire flo~ shall be <br />iTl.stall~d a..~d. s~~""'V"ic€;abl~ p~i~~ t~ a~d. d.~riTl.g th€; tim€; ~f <br />c~~str~cti~~_ Whe~ a..lte~~a..te meth~d.s ~f pr~tecti~n ar~ as <br />a..ppr~~ed by the Fire Chief, this req~ireme~t may be ~ai~ed ~r <br />modifi~d_ Pr~p~sed alter~ati~e meth~ds ~f fire pr~te~tio~ <br />shall be submitted, i~ ~riti~g, to the Fire Chief_ Work o~ <br />the alter~a..ti~e fir€; prot€;ctio~ meth~ds sha..ll n~t sta..rt <br />~ithout the appro~al ~f the Fire Chief_ <br /> <br />PCIl.1:i...ClB <br /> <br />74. <br /> <br />If req~ired by the Poli~e D~pa..rtme~t, the b~ildi~g shall be <br />eq~ipped ~ith a~ alarm system, the type t~ be appr~~ed by the <br />Police Department; this system shall be installed prior to <br />occ~pancy ~f the b~ild.i~g_ <br /> <br />{ EH~d:} <br />