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<br />57. <br /> <br />Res~l~ti~~ No_ PC-94-60 <br />Page: 12 <br /> <br />58. <br /> <br />59_ <br /> <br />60. <br /> <br />61. <br /> <br />62_ <br /> <br />63. <br /> <br />The de~eloper acknowledges that the city of Pleasanton does <br />~~t g~a~a~t~~ the: a~ailability or s~ffi~iE!:~t SE!:~E!:~ ~apa~ity to <br />ser~e this de~elopme~t by the appro~al or this case, a~d that <br />the de~eloper agrees a~d a~k~o~ledges that b~ildi~g permit <br />appro~al may be ~ithheld if se~er ~apacity is fo~~d by the <br />city ~ot to be a~ailable_ <br /> <br />This appro~al does ~ot g~arantee the a~ailability or <br />s~ff ic::,ient "Wa-cE!.r to se:rv-e the pre>:j act.... The City sha.ll <br />"'iNit.hnold permit.s for t.he prc>::j act. if at t.he time <br /> permits are applied for, mandatory "'Water rationing is <br />in effect, L1.nless the city has adopted a "'Water offset program <br />and. t.h.e deV"ele>per- is pa.rt.icipa.ting in t.he progra.m... <br />Nc>t~:i...thsta.nd:i...Tl.g the dev-el~p~~'s p~~ticip~ti~~ i~ s~ch ~ <br />p~og~~m, th~ city m~y ~ithhold b~ildi~g pe~mits if the City <br />d~t~~mi~~s th~t s~ffici~~t ~~t~~ is ~~t ~~~il~ble ~t th~ tim~ <br />of applic~tio~ ~f b~ilding p~~mits. <br /> <br />Th~ ~pplic~~t shall s~bmit p~ct ~l~~a.tion ce~tifica.tio~ <br />p::r-~pa::r-ed by a lice~s~d land s~r--v-ey~r- ~~ ~egister-ed ci-v-il <br />e~gi~ee~ to th~ Chief B~ildi~g Official a~d Pla~~i~g Di~ecto~, <br />ce::r-tifying that the pad and b~ilding l~cations (setbacks) a~e <br />p~r-s~a.nt t~ the ~ppr-o~ed plans, p~io~ t~ r-ecei-v-ing a. <br />fo~ndatioTl inspecti~Tl fo~ the str-~ct~r-e. <br /> <br />All b~ilding and/or- str~ct~r-al pla~s m~st cc>mply VlTith all <br />codes and ~rdinances in effect befor-e the B~ilding Department <br />~ill iss~~ p~r-mits. <br /> <br />The pa~ing sectioTls fc>~ the ~n-sit~ par-king and dr-i"V"e areas <br />shall be d.esigned on the basis of an R-Val~e t.est. and a <br />t~affic ind.ex t.~ ca.rry t.he a.nticipated traffic l~ads. This <br /> <br />~~~~~~n;h:~~p~~ti~~:j e~~e t.~i~~~~~p~~~r~~ ~:ett.i~~ ~~~~~t.~~ ~~ <br /> <br />A.C. on 6-- of A..B. The minim~m A.C. pa-v-ement slope shall be <br />1%. F~r pa~~m~nt slopes ~f l~ss tha.n 1%, the s~r-fa.ce r~nc>ff <br />shall be ear-r-ied in a CC>Tler-ete g~tter t.o an a.cceptable point. <br />C>I disehar-ge. The miTlim~m slope fo~ c~Tler-~t~ g~tte~ shall b~ <br />0.5%. <br /> <br />A sanit.ary seVlTer- sampling manhole shall be pr-~-v-ided on each of <br />the sanit.a::r-y se~er- fr-c>m t.he b~ilding, ~nless <br />other~ise VlTai-v-ed by the Director of B~ilding Inspection. <br /> <br />Prior to issuance <br />pay the ~pplica.ble <br />mete::r- cost for any <br />Additionally, the <br />seVlTer permit fee. <br /> <br />of a building permit, the applicants shall <br />Zone 7 and city c::on~ection fees and ~ate~ <br />VlTater- meters, incl~ding irrigation me-ce::r-s. <br />de-v-eloper shall pay any a.pplicable DSRSD <br />