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<br />Res~l~ti~~ N~_ PC-94-60 <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />51. <br /> <br />Bui1ding and Construction <br /> <br />52. <br /> <br />53_ <br /> <br />54. <br /> <br />55_ <br /> <br />56. <br /> <br />The appli~a.~t shall s~bmit 3 f~ll-size sets ~f ~~~st~~~ti~~ <br />plans ('W'et-stamped a.nd signed), 2 sets of the necessary <br />st~'l..:Lc:=.t"'L1..:r-al a.n.d. Title 24'l..:Llat.:::L~~s, 2 c:=.~p.:::Les ~f a. site <br />specific s~ils rep~rt., an.d. t.he c~mpleted. 13-u.ildiTl.g Permit. <br />Q~est..i~Tl.Tl.a.ire t.o t.he Depart.ment., a.lo~g VtTit.h t.h.e <br />nec:=.essa:ry fees, to the Cit.y's pla~ c:=.hec:=.k prc>c:=.ess_ <br />The plan check VtTill be accepted. only after the cOTIlpletio~ or <br />t.he Design. Re~ieVtT proced'l..:Lre's 15-da.y appeal pe~.i<>d, "'L1..nless. t.he <br />applic:=.ant. s-u.bmit.s a. signed acknoVtTledgin.g t.hat t.he <br />plan. rees may be rorfeit.ed in. t.he e~ent. t.hat. t.h.e <br />app:ro~al is o~e.rt.~rn.ed or t.he design is sign.ifican.tly c:=.han.ged <br />a.s t.he res~lt. of an appeal_ In no ~ill a. b-u.ilding permit. <br />be iss-u.ed prior t.~ the expirat.ion or t.he 15-da.y appea.l period._ <br /> <br />~ll sit.e impr~~ements an.ct ce>>Tl. a.cti~it.ies shall be <br />limited t.o t.he of 8:00 a_m_ to 5:00 p_m_, Monday <br />sat."U.rday _ All c:::e>>n. e.q~ipmen.t meet. DMV noise <br />st.a.ndards and shall be eq~ippect ~it.h m~ffling de~ic:::es_ <br /> <br />At no time. shall balloons,, pen.n.a.n.t.s, or e>ther <br /> de~ic::es be -u.tilized on t.he sit.e exc:::ept. as <br />alloVtTed by Sec=t.,ie>n. 18 _ 9G _ OGOK of the. OrdiTl.aTl.c::::e for <br />gra.nd openings e>r by Sect.ion. 18_116_040 of t.he Zoning <br />Ordinance if appro~ed by t.empe>rary condit.ional " permit. as <br />pa.rt. of a d.e~e>ra.ting pla.Tl. in c:::on~-u.n.c=tion VtTit.h shopping <br />promot.iona.l e~ents_ At. n.o time sha.ll spe>t. be -u.sed <br /> 10:00 PM in cc>n~-u.nct.ion VtTit.h s"' grand openings aTl.d/or <br />promot.iona.l e~ents_ <br /> <br />camp~~s, traile~s, mot~~ homes, ~~ any other <br />as li~i~g or sleeping q-u.a.~t.ers ~n the <br />All s~c:::h ~ehicl~s shall be ~emc>~ed from <br />of each ~e>rk. day_ <br /> <br />At ~o t.ime shall <br />~ehic:=.le be -u.sed <br />~o~st.~~~tion sit.e_ <br />the sit.e at the e~d <br /> <br />If archeological ma.t.erials are -u.nco~e~ed d"U.ring gradin.g, <br />t~enc:::hi~g, e>~ ot.he~ on-site exca~ati~~, all VtT~rk ~n. site shall <br />be st~pped a.~d the c~ty immed.iately n~tified_ The c:=.e>"'L1..~ty <br />~o~oner and the Nat.i~e American Herit.age Commission shall also <br />be notified. and p~oced~res f~llo~ed as req~ired in Appendi~ K <br />of t.he calif~rnia Q~alit.y Act. A similar note <br />shall appear on the improvement plans_ <br /> <br /> toilets ~sed d-u.ring constr-u.ct.ion shall be kept. as fa.r <br />a.s possible from e:xisting and shall be empt.ied on a <br />reg"U.lar basis as n.ecessary t.e> prevent. odor_ <br />