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<br /> As stated by Wayne Rasmussen and Brian Swift, the City anticipated that the homes on the <br /> Mariposa Ranch lots would be estate size homes. They also stated that there was no discussion <br /> regarding maximum house size or reducing the maximum size for the Mariposa ranch homes <br /> with the Specific Plan, tlte Golf Course development plan and design guidelines, nor with the <br /> major modification that further developed the Mariposa Ranch design guidelines. Both the <br /> original PUD approval and design guidelines and the subsequent modification to the design <br /> guidelines were found by the Planning Commission and by the City Council to be in confor- <br /> mance with the Specific Plan. <br /> The appellant has expressed concerns that the proposed size of the residence and its Floor Area <br /> Ratio (FAR) are not consistent with the Happy Valley Specific Plan. The Specific Plan did not <br /> specify a maximum FAR for the golf course lots. The Happy Valley Specific Plan did specify a <br /> maxirnum FAR for the Sportono property of 25% for two-story homes and 40% for one-story <br /> homes. The City Council specified the maximum FAR of 25% for one- and two-story homes on <br /> the golf course lots with its approval of the Golf Course PUD development plan. Hence, the <br /> FAR for the golf course lots, which Mr. Quartaroli's home conforms to, is more restrictive than <br /> the maximum FAR allowed for the nearby Sportono property, which faces some of the golf <br /> course lots frorn across Westbridge Lane. <br /> Landscaping and Fencing <br /> The proposed landscape plan shows a significant variety of plant species, colors, and textures for <br /> this site. As conditioned: <br /> 1. Tree planting for this house shall be increased to one tree per 750 square feet of lot area <br /> for a total of38 trees and shall focus on using valley oak and live oak species. <br /> 2. Landscape and building up-lighting and similar lighting excluding, however, low-level <br /> lighting for pathways, is prohibited. This would have the effect of eliminating the num- <br /> ber of up-lights and sirnilar landscape lights shown on the preliminary landscape plan. <br /> The applicable US Green Building standards on exterior building and site lighting, with <br /> the objective of reducing light glare, shall be implemented. <br /> 3. A minimum 30-foot wide, wetted perimeter of broad spreading fire retardant ground cov- <br /> ers shall be provided along the entire east project boundary of the site. <br /> 4, All fencing along the rear property line shall be of an open fence design of tubular steel <br /> fence panels or welded wire framed with decorative pilasters at each fence comer and at <br /> each material change. Solid wood fencing is only permitted along the side yard property <br /> lines five feet behind the front comer of the house to 30 feet beyond the rear most comer <br /> of the house. <br /> Staff further notes that, as conditioned by the City Council with its approval of the Mariposa <br /> Ranch Design Guidelines, that the "Future building applicants and homeowners (of these <br /> Case PAP-87/PDR-482 Page 7019 October 19, 2005 <br />