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<br />The specific plan for the new portion of Vineyard Avenue through the Vineyard Corridor <br />Development includes a new elementary school adjacent to Vineyard Avenue with a new traffic <br />signal just east of the school site. Vineyard Avenue is being designed as a 2-lane rural roadway <br />with a l2-foot wide travel lane and a 6-foot bike lane in each direction. Because there are few <br />driveways or intersections near the school, travel speeds will probably be between 45 and 50 <br />mph. Relatively heavy commuter traffic volumes and a significant amount of school related <br />traffic will occur near the school site during the morning commute period. There is a need for <br />some form of traffic control at the school to facilitate the heavy left and right turn movements <br />coming to and from Vineyard A venue during the peak student drop-off and pick-up times. <br />As a result of the research and design work that has been performed for the Valley Avenue <br />project, staff now recommends that a similar Traffic Roundabout design concept be incorporated <br />into the Vineyard Avenue design on either side on the school. This design will address the most <br />common traffic concerns that arise at every school site. These roundabouts will calm traffic <br />approaching the school, passing by the school, and leaving the school. Computer simulations of <br />traffic flow near the school indicate that the roundabouts will result in lower traffic speeds and <br />shorter traffic backups than would occur if a traffic signal were built at this location. The same <br />simulations show that access to and from the school is significantly improved with the <br />roundabout design concept. City Traffic Staff has discussed the roundabout design concept with <br />School District staff. After reviewing the roundabout plans and comparing the computer <br />simulations of traffic driving on Vineyard with the traffic signal and roundabout design options, <br />the School District has agreed to use the roundabout design to calm traffic near the school site. <br />SR:Ol:l71 <br />Page 5 <br />