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<br /> Vineyard Corridor Development Area Map <br />City Traffic staff has conferred with the Police and Fire Departments to review emergency <br />response related issues connected with the roundabout design. The Fire Department conducted <br />field tests of the impact the roundabouts would have on emergency response times along <br />Vineyard A venue. Staff created a layout of the roundabout design using traffic cones. The Fire <br />Department conducted speed tests with both a pumper truck and a ladder truck at emergency <br />response speeds. Each roundabout added about seven to nine seconds to emergency response <br />time. To put this in perspective, the delay caused by turning left or right at a standard <br />intersection is greater than the delay caused by the roundabout. Also, because the traffic <br />simulations of the roundabout showed that the traffic backup would be far shorter with a <br />roundabout than the backup at a traffic signal, the Fire Department prefers the roundabout design <br />concept. <br />While the traffic cones were laid out in the roundabout design pattern, staff also conducted speed <br />tests with standard passenger vehicles. It was found that the comfortable entry and circulating <br />speed around the roundabout was about 15 mph. When trying to drive as fast as possible around <br />the roundabout, speeds remained at or below 20 mph depending on the vehicle type. Staffs <br />conclusion was that this roundabout design would provide very effective traffic calming around <br />SR:Ol: 171 <br />Page 6 <br />