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46. <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />Property Owner shall reimburse the developer of the new Bemal Avenue bridge <br />over the Arroyo de la Lagtma fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the new bridge, <br />not to exceed $700,000 as set forth in a development agreement. Reinthursement <br />shall occur as bridge is being constructed and invoices are received, or at the close <br />of escrow of the last home on the Western Parcel, whichever occurs first~ <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />A full fourth lane to act as a deceleration/acceleration lane shall be built from the <br />commercial/office private road entrance to Valley Avenue and an appropriate <br />merge lm~c and deceleration lane on Boreal Avenue between Valley Avenue and <br />the extension of Street W. <br /> <br />Bernal Avenue/l-680 Interchange Improvements. In lieu of paying the City's Local <br />Traffic Fee, the Project shall fund Bernal Avenue-I-680 imerchange improvements <br />designed to achieve LOS D conditions at this imerchange's intersections and ramps. The <br />funding mechanism shall be specified in the Development Agreement which shall <br />provide for Property Owner to fund improvements, such funding not to exceed fifteen <br />million dollars ($15,000,000). The agreement shall provide that any funds which may be <br />advanced to the City should be used as a credit against the Project's otherwise payable <br />City Traffic Development Fee. If funds advanced exceed the Projecfs total City Traffic <br />Development Fees described above, the agreement shall provide a mechanism for <br />reimbursement. Improvements include both interim impmvemants and major <br />reconstruction of the interchange. Interim improvements include: <br /> <br />Signalize the 1-680 southbound ramp imersection at such time as the intersection <br />meets traffic signal warrants and development of the Project occurs on the Central or <br />Western Areas. This improvement shall not be required prior to eighteen (18) months <br />from the effective date of project approval. <br /> <br />Provide lane-widening, median-reconfiguration, and re-striping between the <br />northbound and southbound off-ramp intersections to accommodate the configuration <br />shown in Exhibit 15; Bernal Avenue Improvements. <br /> <br />Reimburse the developer of the northbound on- and off-ramp traffic signal for <br />50 pement of the costs associated with that signal installation as described in the <br />City-Bemal Corporate Park Reimbursement Agreement, with reimbursement due <br />upon issuance of the first building permit for a development project on the Central <br />Area. Funds may be allocated towards tiffs obligation as established in the <br />Development Agreement. <br /> <br />Major reconstruction is subject to CalTrans review and approval; improvements <br />contemplated include ultimate improvements to the northbound on-ramp and southbound <br />off-ramp, as such improvements may be designed and approved by CalTrans. <br /> <br />Conditions of Approval Page 26 of 49 Revised August 21, 2000 <br /> <br /> <br />